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It had been two weeks since your surgery and you had never felt better. Six was finally letting you go on an assignment. You, Ash, IQ, Smoke, and Doc were to shut down a lab owned by the White Masks. An apparent bio weapon is being developed. 

The five of you cleared out the area with ease. Finally arriving at the laboratory. Everyone started searching the area. IQ went to the computers. Smoke investigated some samples. Eliza opened up a nearby file cabinet. Doc walked over to a freezer and opened it. Inside were hundreds of test tubes with a similar substance Smoke was looking at. You started opening up files you found laying in a table. You blood went cold. "Everyone out! Now! Six we need a burn unit now! We have a dangerous pathogen!" You yelled while closing the file. Doc slammed the freezer shut and turned to you. Monika looked up from her computer. Eliza closed the file cabinet with her foot. Smoke turned from the samples. "Did anyone touch the contents of the test tubes?" You ask. Everyone shook their heads no. "Then we need to leave before that kills us." You said pointing to the samples Smoke  was looking at.

Everyone ran out as fast as they could. "What did you see?" Eliza asked catching her breath. "Shiva." You said prying you misread the print. "Like the Hindu goddess?" Doc asked confused. "Yes, the Shiva virus was created from cancer cells. It only does one thing, eat tissue." You said as the burn unit arrived. "It caused millions of casualties." You added trying not to panic. Your hand started to tremble. "We need to shut them down before they release it." You said breathing heavily. Monika wrapped her arms around you. "Don't worry, we'll stop them." She said in a soothing tone. 

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