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Who wouldn't know the Wellington's? For generations their family bloodline has been the most successful in so many fields, the newest addition to the Wellington's are even far more better but everyone knows the Wellington's are not only known for their success only it was also for generations they're very well known of their amazing social skills. They are always so delight to have around with every word they say have meanings in them and this was said because of their ancestors genetic all well known for the most excellent socializing skills some might say it's their main tool in doing business which why they're very successful. But that is half true, you see, the newest addition of the Wellington's are also great for their skills BUT the second daughter in this family, Brielle Wellington was not gift with this skill whatsoever... instead she was cursed with an introvert problem and could barely speak to her own family members, her father- Shepherd Wellington was furious of this news and have train her in socializing for so long but nothing much works. Her great talents would be such a waste if they do nothing of this so after a while Brielle has come up with a brilliant idea, she would attend all event with her mask on and she would whisper to her personal assistant to say those things to them. At first her father strongly disagree but after seeing results he decide it's best this way because of her mysterious identity people are strongly intrigued with her calming and mature personality! The media loves her! She has a strong fanbase where she also joined and support her fans.

After years of going on like this even more people are starting to get inspired by her but what they never know was what she really is... A gamer fangirl, she's nothing more than just a 20 years old that watch and played so many games but nothing beats her love for the one and only series by the Ubisoft company— Assassin's Creed series. She has all of the novels every single games from Altaïr to Alexios, she has study every character in detailed and her personal assistant is the ONLY person in this whole universe to actually know about this. Because of the hidden place they live in which is a mansion that was gifted by her grandfather after her biggest success back then, it was only Brielle and Flynn in that mansion and it was mostly filled with games, comics and novel— y'know? the usual fangirl stuff? She had EVERYTHING anyone could ever asked for all in front of her eyes, a loyal personal assistant, a hidden mansion, all her favorite game series, a billion dollar company she work in and all the time for herself. What more could she ever need?

[ HECKES DARN HECKY wow! so I've decided to re-write a few things including the characters and all so yeaaa I would like to thank my school friends for helping me to find idea for this story thanks guys!! ]

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