The Diplomat Hotel: A Home

Start from the beginning

"You're such a baby, Ara!" Mika teased.

"These are harmless now, babe. Don't worry." Thomas said.

We proceeded into discussing how these items must have been used in the past. The stories went on until lunch and we barely noticed when the sun began to set and darkness has taken over the Diplomat Hotel.


I opened the rechargeable light and laid down our sleeping bed. I think that even if everyone decided to stay for a second night, all of us are starting to realize what we've gotten ourselves into.

We were trying to sleep at around 8pm but the creepy noises kept us from peaceful slumber.

"Are you hearing this guys?" Kib whispered.

No one answered Kib and we listened instead to the sound of a sobbing child.

Suddenly, we heard a hair-raising scream and we all knew that it didn't come from any one of us.

The scream was followed by the clanging and banging of metals.

"This is what we came for, right?" Ricci said.

No one answered Ricci. All of us just listened as footsteps started getting louder and louder.

"I think we better go," Kim said.

Immediately, we all started packing hurriedly. I just took everything I could get with one swoop and ran with the rest of the guys.

We were sure that more footsteps were running with us as we raced the hallway. We didn't open our mouths but the sounds of the screams continued as we ran. It was as if they were running with us.


It felt like forever when we reached the gate.

"Open it, Thomas!" Mika shouted.

"The key's not with me! I hid it somewhere but now I don't know where it is." Thomas replied.

"Perhaps we left it in the room!" I said.

"Then go back and get it!" Jeron said.

"We all agreed to this so we're in this together. I say let's all go back," I declared.

No one was moving until we started to hear creepy laughter that seemed to have come from people who are with us in our huddle.

At this point, all of us ran back to the room.

Surprisingly, the building was quiet then. We scrambled around to look for the key but no one was finding it.

"Where is the damn key?!" Ricci said.

No one answered Ricci. Everyone of us was desperately trying to find the key.

Suddenly, the screams and the sound of objects breaking came back and it was louder than it was before. As we search for the key, I looked around the room with frightened eyes.

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