Just normal muggles

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5 years later.....

Dursley's household

"Harry darling please come down, we need to talk to you" Petunia Dursley called out for her nephew who was playing with his cousin, Dudley, in his bedroom.

"Coming mummy" a little voice yelled back and the pattering of feet could be heard as he ran down the stairs. Petunia Dursley was outraged when she found her nephew out in the cold five years ago and swore to protect the little bundle. She thought that it would be best to adopt him and change his name to Harry Vernon Dursley. She hated her sister for what she did and found out the true story from her husband, Vernon.

She had always believed that Dumbledore was up to no good but separating a child from his mother because of fame was crossing the lines.

Petunia and Vernon sat at the couch having a silent discussion on what to tell Harry. After all, he was only a child. "Come and sit,son" Vernon said as he patted his lap. Harry quickly clambered on the man's lap and waited patiently for them to say whatever they needed to say.

"Harry, remember what we told you about your real parents and your older brother?" Vernon asked gently trying to get Harry to recall. Harry's a very bright boy with eidetic memory so he could remember how his parents looked like and how the long bearded man took him away.

"yes daddy, what about them. i don't need them cause i have you!" he exclaimed throwing his hands in the air. Vernon ruffled his hair chuckling while Petunia's heart swelled with love for the child in front of her.

"Now sweetie, do you remember when Auntie Marge told you about magic and how you and Dudley can do it?" Petunia asked as she recalled the time both Harry and Dudley have been showing signs of accidental magic when they levitated grapes at each other which led to a grape war between them. It didn't come as a surprise for Harry, however, they were delighted that Dudley could go to Hogwarts with Harry when they come of age.

Harry nodded, curious to know where they were coming at.

"Harry, your parents believed that it was your twin, Edward, who defeated Tom when you were a baby. However, i believe that it was you because of you scar on your forehead. When you get your letter from Hogwarts, Lily and James are going to want to get you back. It's completely up to you if you want to go back but remember about that beard man that you keep seeing in your dreams? Your parents will listen to everything he says and will try to kill Tom." Petunia explained looking at Harry and trying to read his expression.

Harry looked horrified! "I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK TO THEM, THEY'RE GOING TO HURT TOM. THE BEARD MAN IS EVIL PLEASE DON'T LET HIM TAKE ME AWAY AGAIN " he wailed out trying to seek comfort from Vernon's neck.

"oh hush sweetheart, we won't let him take you away from us. You're a Dursley and we protect each other. Come on sweetie, Tom wouldn't want to see you crying like that." Vernon said soothingly as he rocked Harry like a baby. Harry was a very small child, he was around the size of a three year old even though he was perfectly healthy.

The first time Harry met Tom was two years ago and they had become close friends. The deatheaters found it adorable whenever Tom walked into a meeting with Harry chatting animatedly with him on his hip. Everyone had a soft spot for Harry and would often sneak in a few cuddles and presents for him. Harry found it very easy to make friends and gained a strong friendship with Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson and it was not unusual to see them playing in the Malfoy manor garden. Even Dudley would join them in their silly made-up games. However, it had been the biggest shock when Harry Started following the dungeon bat, Severus Snape, everywhere and Severus didn't seem to mind. In fact, he would often bring Harry down to the lad to brew a few potions together. Sirius and Remus would take the child out once a week for small activites like ice cream, or going to the park, or even shopping at Diagon Alley.

Despite his size, the boy was very advanced for his age. The deatheaters started teaching him spells and how to transfigure items about a year ago. The library at Riddle manor was where the child who be most of the time. He loved to read and try to perform spells and transfigure his shoelace into a snake! Tom was shocked when Harry had cast an imperio on Draco so he could get him to play exploding snap. 'how could he be so advanced?' Tom marvelled at the young prodigy.

They always made sure that Harry was having the best childhood while learning and training to bring Dumbledork down. Harry was spending most of his time at Riddle manor and would go back to Privet Drive in the evenings and weekends when Petunia would pick him up through the floo. (Tom had made it possible for her to go through) Tom made exceptions for Petunia, after all, she did adopt Harry and married Vernon.

Harry had a schedule which he enjoyed and stuck to religiously.

On Monday, Snape would teach him all about potions and he would write essays, make potions and create his own. Harry, being only six, created a potion that could make anyone turn invisible and he could make the counter potion as well. After potions, he would have lunch at Malfoy manor with Draco and Dudley and they would play together for the rest of the day.

On Tuesday, Bellatrix would teach the child occlumency and charms so he could fool Dumbledore and his parents when he goes to Hogwarts and pretends he doesn't know about magic.

On Wednesday, Harry's favourite day, Tom would teach him defence against the dark arts. And they always enjoyed each other's company.

On Thursday, instead of going to Riddle Manor, he would go straight to Malfoy Manor where Narcissa would teach him Herbology and transfiguration. Lucius would take him after lunch and he would teach Harry wizard's etiquette. Harry was not very fond of wizard's etiquette and often got very frustrated when he couldn't 'sit in the right posture'.

On Friday, Fenrir Greyback would teach him about the Care of magical creatures. He enjoyed playing with the unicorns and hippogiffs that roamed the surrounding forest. After the lesson, Sirius and Remus would pick Harry up and they would spend time together.

Finally, on the weekends, the Dursleys' would spend time together and they would arrange playdates for Harry and Dudley. Not once did Harry complain about his busy schedule. he was a really sweet boy and curious to learn new things.

With the news that he was given about his blood parents and the comfort from his daddy, he knew that his family will always be the Dark.

Authors note:

okay so basically i'm imagining Dudley to be a pleasant child and not as fat and same for vernon. i'm not really sure about how i feel about this chapter so hopefully you can give me some feedback on how i can improve. I have yet to write chapter three but it would probably be about how Edward is growing up. That's all for now and thanks for reading!



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