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I woke up the next morning greeted by the sun's sharp rays directly near my face, creeping from the slightly opened curtains. I turned over and noticed Asa wasn't in bed. I got up and checked the bathroom. He wasn't there either. I crept downstairs and there was no sign of him. Ashton's sister came up behind me.

"Good morning!" 

"Good morning! Hey do you know where Asa went?" I asked, in deep hope that somehow she would know. 

"I don't know, let me ask. ASHTON!" She ran towards his room. 

Fuck. If I wanted to talk to him I would've already. 

"Maya wants to know where her boyfriend is." 


"Oh Asa? He left. Early in the morning. Did he not tell you?" 

"HE WHAT? Well where is he? I need to go call h-" I was panicking. I got a cold rush through my body. Where could he have gone and not tell me?

Ashton put his arm around my shoulder and walked me to my room. "Yeah Maya, he left and he was angry." I yanked his arm off and checked my phone. "I wouldn't call if I were you. Now's not the best time."

I had 5 unread texts from him. 

How could you do this to me Maya? 

After all we fucking went through???

I can't believe this. I can't believe I was in love with someone like you. 

I'm leaving. Have fun on your own. 

I hope I see your face on tv. I won't get you in trouble. I'll let the police handle that. 

I could feel my heart drop to the pit of my stomach. 

"ASHTON. WHY IS ASA TELLING ME ALL OF THIS?!! What did you do??" My hands were shaking and tears flooded down my face like a broken, leaking sink. 

He started laughing. "WHAT. DID. YOU. TELL. HIM." 

"I just told him that you tried to kiss me last night, so when I pulled away from you, you got angry and hit me. That is all." He had a smirk on his face that I wanted to cut with a butcher knife. 

I grabbed my phone and dialed his number, my hand was shaking so much. 

No answer.

"I can't believe- why Ashton?? Why would you do that? I have NO ONE! He was the only person who kept me going and the ONLY ONE who I trusted in my life. And you took that away from me?? WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?" I was yelling, but I didn't care. I didn't care if they heard me. I didn't care if they called the police. I didn't care about anything. 

"You fucked with the wrong person, Maya. Asa knows me way longer and he trusts me so he will believe anything I tell him."

I started grabbing my things and putting them in my bag. I headed towards the door and Ashton tried to stop me. I slapped him as hard as I could.

"You're wrong Ashton. It is you who messed with the wrong person." I told him as I headed out of his door. 

I ran out, not knowing where to go or what to do. I just kept walking until I couldn't walk anymore, a trail of tears following me. I tried calling Asa but he didn't pick up. I turned my phone volume on high, having false hope that he'd call back.

I stumbled upon a motel that was near Ashton's house and decided to stay there for the night under the name of Alice. I lay in the bed, like I really was going to fall asleep knowing Asa is not next to me and is out there somewhere.

What if he's out with someone else? Is he safe? Why would he believe Ashton and not me? How could he really think I would do something like that? Should I just go to the police?


5 a.m.

I was up all night, questions and answers swirling around my head like a hurricane. My eyes were swollen and burning because of how much I had cried that it hurt to blink even the slightest bit. I grabbed my phone in hopes that Asa had reached out to me, but the only notification I had was an email from Starbucks introducing a new drink that probably was 90% sugar and 10% milk/espresso. I grabbed a cigarette from my bag and just as I was about to light it, I heard someone approaching my room and ran towards the restroom. A paper slid under the door. 

It was a picture of me that read WANTED: By the FBI

Focus (Asa Butterfield)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora