Four | Seeking Closure

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Parting ways with Mom was harder than I had ever imagined, but Froakie's company kept me at ease. I was happy that I had a companion Pokémon that was so similar to me personality wise. I haven't had him for long, but I could already tell we were going to be best friends. My journey wouldn't have been the same had I chosen a different starter.

During the beginning of my journey, I made the conscious decision to skip Aquacorde Town since I already knew what was there thanks to Shauna dragging me with her. Going through the town was fast and I quickly found myself entering Route 2. Froakie was in his PokéBall because he was tired and wanted to rest. At first, he wanted me to carry him, but even I get tired sometimes. Returning him to his capsule was the next option.

Taking a quick pause outside of Route 2, I took out the Town Map to see what my next destination would be. It was called Santalune City, and what piqued my interest was that there was a Bug-type gym there. I've always been interested in gym battling after seeing Lucas challenge Roark with his Turtwig. The match was intense despite the fact that Lucas had the advantage. Even Reese had taken a shot at gym battling before she became Professor Rowan's pupil.

Huh, maybe I should try taking on gym battling.

Deciding on my final thoughts, I turned off the Town Map and put it away before making my way toward Santalune Forest. Before I reached the entrance, a familiar obnoxiously enthusiastic voice calling my name made me halt. An annoyed groan left my lips as I turned to the source of the voice with a glare. Shauna waved wildly at me with Calem, who simply smiled at me. I could always dash into the forest and hope to lose them, but these people are stubbornly persistent that it wasn't a viable option for me.

I hesitantly walked toward the siblings, who stood near large patches of grass where certain Pokémon were hiding. Unless they wanted to get mauled by wild Pokémon, then I'd assume they were attempting to catch one. Otherwise, it would be quite daring to stand near tall grass like that. I would know, for I was stupid enough to walk in tall grass in Lake Variety because Reese's annoying brother dared me. Thank Arceus, Lucas was there to rescue me before that flock of Starly killed me.

"What do you want?" I questioned when I arrived, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Calem here was about to show me how to catch a Pokémon," Shauna answered, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "But then I saw you and thought you should see this too."

"I already know how to catch one," I said. "I use to work at a Pokémon lab after all."

"Still, it wouldn't hurt to watch," she insisted.

I sighed, but didn't reply. It's amazing what the power of stubbornness allowed you to do. Maybe I should've taken my chances and fled rather than walking over here.

Watching Calem catch a Bunnelby was excruciatingly boring, but Shauna thought otherwise. I had to hold back snapping at her when she unintentionally called me a prude for not finding a basic demonstration lame. That, and I doubt Calem would take kindly to me being a complete bitch to his kid sister. After he released the Bunnelby, Calem gave Shauna and me ten PokéBalls each. I put mine away while Shauna remained in awe after watching her older brother catch a Pokémon.

I thanked Calem before making my way toward Santalune Forest. The longer I stayed with them, the more I became annoyed. Before I could enter the forest, a young boy wearing stereotypical youngster garb stood in my way. I glared at him, knowing damn well he was going to challenge me to battle.

"Hey, you! I challenge you to a--"

"Hell no, I have other things to do." I moved the kid to the side. "Get out of my way."

The Theory of Grey | Pokémon XOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora