Three | Start of a Journey

Start from the beginning

"I see you got your starter Pokémon." She knelt down to get a good look at Froakie, giving his head a good pat that made him put in bliss. "A Water-type too. Adam would've been so jealous."

Hearing that name caused me to lower my gaze. I haven't heard that name after the incident with my dad.

"Yeah, he would've..." I spoke in an unusually quiet voice.

She let out a reminiscent laugh, causing my lips to twitch upwards, but I fought back the urge to smile. I couldn't make myself smile right now, especially since my brother wasn't here to enjoy the moment. It would be selfish of me.

My thoughts were interrupted when Mom dropped her hand from Froakie's head and stood up. The nostalgia in her face subsided as she presented me her usual grin.

"I take it you met with Professor Sycamore's other pupil?" She rose an eyebrow at me. The facts that she knew I would be getting a starter Pokémon startled me.

"I can't believe you did that," I spoke in an annoyed voice. There was nothing I hated more than being lied to. "I was supposed to be an intern. Not a goddamn Pokémon Trainer!"

"Emi..." Hurt flashed in her eyes, which made me feel guilty for snapping at her the way I did.

"I'm sorry, Mom," I apologized. "It's just... a little warning would've been nice." A sigh left my lips before I reached into my messenger bag and fished out the letter. "This is for you."

Curiously, Mom took the envelope from my hand and opened it. She read the information in the letter. Something felt strange when her green eyes suddenly became interested with each word she read. Froakie decided to explore the house, so he hopped away with Fletchling flying above him. Watching him startle himself after accidentally turning on the television after stepping on the remote control was enough to distract me. He's a little dork.

My distraction didn't last long when an excited shriek left Mom's lips. I quickly snapped my attention to the woman as she looked at me with the biggest smile I haven't seen in so long.

"This is wonderful, Emi!" She clapped her hands enthusiastically. "Looks like Professor Sycamore is having you go off on a journey of your own."

My eyes widened at the announcement, half of the incredulous feeling making me sick to my stomach while the other filled me with adrenaline. The feeling I have right now was conflicting; I didn't know whether to be excited or afraid. Mom was happy for me, but I couldn't bring myself to even feign the excitement.

Why did I have to leave home right away? I haven't even properly settled down in a new region that I was not familiar with. Aside from it being such a huge responsibility, I wasn't ready to leave Mom behind. I still bore wounds from the events I suffered back in Sinnoh with my dad. I needed her. Without her comfort, I might just lose my sanity.

"That's insane!" I exclaimed in sheer shock. "We've only been here for a week and I already have to leave?!"

"I know!" Mom grabbed onto both of my hands and gazed straight into my green eyes that resembled her own. "You're already having exciting things going on. Oh Emi, I'm so happy for you!"

I didn't have the chance to tell her my feelings toward all this. She let my hands go and ran up the stairs, yelling that she had something to help me on my journey. Froakie hopped back to me, a concerned look on his face. I released a shaky breath and picked him up. He relaxed into my arms, but he was the comfort I needed to stop my heart from racing. I needed to break it to her; I wasn't ready for any of this.

Mom descended from the stairs holding something behind her back, the grin never leaving her lips as she made her way toward me. All I could think about was the fact that she was letting me do this. Why was she okay with it? It was the complete opposite when we were still in Sinnoh; she was strict about me going out aside from going to Professor Rowan's laboratory and running errands for her. Why was it different here in Kalos? Was it because we weren't bound by the past when we're miles away from there?

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