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"they were so damn gay for each other and they didn't even realize it"


"see, i told you i ain't wanna come."

symere pouted as he leaned against jordan, who was sipping from his red solo cup and bobbing his head to music.

symere really wasn't enjoying himself, and usually, he's the type that doesn't care who's hosting a party, as long as it's lit, he'll go and show out, so he came to the party even though he couldn't stand jahmier, or anyone in jordan's circle of friends, because he knew that he'd at least have fun as long as none of jordan's friends gave him any trouble, but the thing was that he wasn't having a good time, even though the party was just as wild as expected, symere didn't have the urge to go shoulder roll on top of the dining table or some shit. he honestly just wanted to be alone with jordan right now, but he couldn't because jordan kept going off to actually have fun with his friends and leaving symere alone somewhere to be miserable by himself.

jordan just rolled his eyes. he knew that the only reason why symere wasn't having fun was because jordan wasn't giving his 100% undivided attention to him. jordan kinda got annoyed when symere would do this: he would catch an attitude out of nowhere if he didn't basically attach himself to his hip and give him and only him attention. 

symere was the kind of person that got jealous when his friends hung out with other people, and as much as jordan loved and cared about symere, he wasn't about to let him ruin his night just because he had a lil attitude all of a sudden.

"oh really? you were having fun earlier, what's your problem now?" jordan asked dryly as he brought his cup to his lips.

"i wanna go home, that's my problem," symere pouted, folding his arms. he knew he was being whiny and bratty, but he didn't care. ever since he discovered that he has a crush on jordan, his "friend" jealousy problem has gotten worse.

"well i can't take you home right now," jordan shrugged. "ain't you say you was getting stoke to take you home anyway? i'll go get him if you wanna go home that bad."

symere just sighed. he didn't even actually want to go home, he just wanted jordan's attention and he wouldn't give it to him.

jordan groaned in irritation before turning around to go find stokeley. maybe symere really did need to go home, if that's what it'll take to get him out of his pissy ass mood.

it was hard to find him though, because the house was packed as hell: everybody always shows out when it comes to one of jahmier's parties, and this house was packed like slaves in the cotton field.

he couldn't even identify stokeley by the smell, because with all the people packed in the house, the whole room might as well have been musty.

"that nigga probably somewhere fucking jah," jordan mumbled under his breath as he gave up on looking for stokeley. symere was just gon' have to suck it up, he probably didn't even want to go home in the first place, he just felt like being a debbie downer for no reason, whatever.

but just after jordan thought that, he turned around and spotted jahseh and stokeley, and even though they weren't shameless enough to just fuck in front of everybody, even though that'd be a badass coming out, they might as well have been.

summer bummer ✧ multiWhere stories live. Discover now