"Nicknames?" She asked.

"Yeah, like I always call Seth, Ninja and Roman, Rome." I said.

"What's Dean's nickname?" Emma asked.

"It just recently became 'my little lunatic'." I said.

I saw Dean roll his eyes.

"What did I just walk into?" She asked.

"I call her sweetheart." Seth announced.

"Well.....that's ironic." She said.

"Emma!" I snapped. I looked over to Dean who luckily did not notice. "Let's go take a walk." I went and opened the door.

"But I don't wanna take a walk." She said.

Gosh, this girl could not take a hint.

"Well, let's go get some food." I said.

"But I'm not hungry." She said.

"You are now." I said as I grabbed her wrist and pulled her out the door, slamming it behind me. "What the hell?" I asked as we were out of the locker room.

"What?" She asked.

"That's ironic." I said, mocking Emma.

"What's wrong with that?" She asked.

"Emma, there is nothing ironic about the fact that he calls me sweetheart." I snapped.

"Okay okay. I mean, it's kinda weird since you guys had a thing." She said.

"We had a thing a long time ago. It was barely even a thing. And he was calling me sweetheart way before we even had a thing." I snapped.

"Damnit Charlie, no need to get all bitchy." She said.

"Yeah Emma, I do have a need to get bitchy. Things are awkward enough between Seth and I. You basically just made it worse." I snapped angrily.

"Sorry C, damn, who did you wrong?" She asked, "Are you on your period?"

"What? No! I just want things between me and Seth to go back to normal." I said. I showed her my ring. "You see this? I'm engaged, Emma. To Dean. I love Dean and Dean's the one I want to be with. Not Seth." I said.


I was getting ready to walk down with The Shield for their contract signing. This should be good.

We got down and Dean grabbed a mic while Roman started throwing chairs out of the ring. See, when we got to the ring, there was a table and nice chairs, three on each side, set up for the contract signing. When we started destroying the ring, it didn't look as nice.

Dean talked about how Evolution was going to be destroyed by The Shield. Seth then took a microphone and studied the contract. He explained how ridiculous the situation of The Shield and Evolution sitting across from each other, signing a silly piece of paper was.

Roman just continued to throw chairs out of the ring. I stood there next to Dean as we all awaited Evolution.

"Let's rearrange this place. Get rid of this stuff." Seth said as Roman continued his damage to the set up. "And let's get down to buisness."

Dean took his turn at hurdling a chair out of the ring. Then Roman picked up the table and simply tossed it out the ring.

We stood in the ring. Seth was looking over the contract as Dean and I looked over his shoulder on each side.

Then we heard Evolution's music hit.

Blah blah blah. Triple H came out talking his normal trash about how The Shield would never be seen on Raw again. Blah blah blah.

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