"My life's boring, mate. Your drama with Harry is my entertainment," Niall pointed out. "Either way, you two would be a cute couple."

"Don't make me puke, you sick fuck," Louis scoffed. "Besides, there's not going to be anymore drama between me and him. We've agreed to tolerate each other's existences. If we want to fight, we'll save it for when we get back to his penthouse."

"You're staying with him?" Niall questioned, his voice rising an octave due to the shock. "Since when?"

"Since today. I didn't have much say in the matter. The place is big enough though, so I don't have to even acknowledge him if I don't want," Louis explained to him, not wanting to feed into his sick fantasy of Louis and Harry dating.

"Shit, mate, a lot has changed in the last two weeks, yeah?" Niall dramatized.

Louis just rolled his eyes. "Where's Liam and the thing at anyway?"

"There's the old Louis I know," Niall chuckled. "They're out on the balcony. I don't know. They wanted private time. Better be careful - Harry might be two timing you."

"Oh, shut up," Louis scoffed.

He knew that the likelihood of Harry and Liam being in a relationship was zero to none. It was too much of a brotherly relationship. Not only that, but they were too alike in certain ways. It just wouldn't work with them. Louis didn't want to deal with that and he knew that he wouldn't have to. Liam was too focused on his career anyway.

"Like you wouldn't be jealous if Liam and Harry were in a relationship," Niall threw out there, obviously wanting to get a rise out of Louis.

"I wouldn't be. In fact, I'd be annoyed because they'd probably be disgusting and I am not a fan of PDA," Louis told him. It was true. He hated PDA, specifically when it was another couple. He wouldn't be necessarily jealous either...or hurt. He would just be annoyed. Yeah, he'd be annoyed.

"I've known you for years, Louis. I can see right through you," Niall teased.

"Well, then you're seeing that what I'm telling you is the truth," Louis continued, feeling like he was more trying to convince himself than he was trying to convince Niall.

"You like Harry, Lou. If you didn't, you wouldn't have agreed to tolerate him or whatever the hell you're doing," Niall told him.

Louis refrained from shifting in his seat uncomfortably. He didn't want to give Niall the leverage. There was no way that he was even going to tell him about the accidental kisses that he and Harry shared. He wasn't sure what they were or where they stood with each other because of it. The last thing he needed in his time of confusion was for Niall to sit and harass him about it.

"I don't like him, Niall. I only agreed to it because I pulled up my big boy pants and realized that I love Liam and I don't want to lose him because of a stupid little conflict I'm having with someone else. Just because we act like commorades now doesn't mean that we are once we leave here. In fact, we don't even talk to each other when Liam isn't around," Louis explained to him, lying about the last part.

Niall raised his eyebrows, not really buying it, but he didn't say otherwise. "Well, I guess I'm glad that you're putting your friendship with Liam first before yourself. That's bold of you."

"Thank you, Niall," Louis responded confidently. It somewhat concerned him how easy it was for him to lie to his best friend that smoothly.

The two of them sat there for a few minutes, neither of them saying anything. It wasn't an awkward silence, but it certainly was something that didn't happen that often. Liam and Harry paraded into the room not long after, thankfully, breaking the silence. Harry's eyes landed right on Louis and a small smile teased at both of their faces. There was a weird sensation that washed over Louis. He was so happy to see him, even though they hadn't been apart for that long of a time. It was so weird, especially since Louis never felt that way when he looked at Harry.

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