House of Romance

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Alfie's POV

'I hope Amber will take me back' I think to myself as I walk to the Anubis House. I feel really bad about hurting her school year. I hope she will forgive me. I was going through a badtime and I guess I was just looking for somebody understanding and she wasn't there for me so I guess going out with Willow made me feel better about myself. I'm going to have to pull all the stops to get her back. But I'm going to have to officially break up with Willow. I hope Jerome doesn't beat me up too badly about it.

Joy's POV

'Great Nina is back. I'm never going to get back my Fabs. I will get down and dirty if necessary, I will get Fabian back. ' I calmly walk to Nina and Amber's room to say hello. "Nina hello I'm glad you could make it back. Where were you? " I say as nicely as I can say. " My Gran was in a coma and she has no one else so I stayed with her" she replied with a sad tone in her voice. "Is she okay?" I asked. "Yea she is awake but will have to be on a medication for the rest of her life. We'll goodnight Joy see you tomorrow " with that I said goodnight to Amber and left the room with thoughts on how to get Fabian back on my mind.

Thanks for reading my book.

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