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"I'm going to Canada" I say to myself
"I can do this"
"It's the only place I can afford to go to"
I go to the nearest library and book the ticket
It's offical now, one more day of school till I leave
And one more day until I forget about everything and start fresh.

I wake up and get ready for school
"Tomorrow I won't have to do this"

I get to school and walk into the corridor, and everyone is so rounding his locker, my boyfriends locker.
I slowly walk over to the group and everyone starts stairing at me, I look over to see my boyfriend sticking his tongue down another girls throat,
"Typical" I say and shrug my shoulders and walk off

As much as it seemed like I didn't care, I really did,
He was my first love, the one that helped me when my whole life was falling apart, the one who kept me safe and alive.
As hard as it is to say, I'll miss him

The day went by pretty quickly, and it was time to say goodbye

After school my "boyfriend" usually goes out to my neighborhood and smokes.

I go up to there usual place

Boyfriend-what's up
I slightly start tearing up
Boyfriend-"are you ok" he says laughing along with his friends
Kenzie-"I'm leaving and I'll miss you" I say hugging him then quickly rushing away
Boyfriend-what do you mean
He gets up and starts following me
I quickly grab my suitcase and head for the nearest Uber
He see me getting into the car with my luggage
Boyfriend-what's happening
Kenzie-I'm leaving
Boyfriend-will you be back
Boyfriend-I'm sorry, for everything I did please just stay
Kenzie-no it's not just everything you did, it's everything else all the terrible memories
Boyfriend-please stay I'll make it better
Kenzie-no I have to go I'll miss you a lot
Boyfriend-"I love you" he says while starting to cry
Kenzie-"I-I love you to" I say trying not to cry
I get in the car and rest my head down on my arm and start to cry

Uber man-are you ok
Kenzie-Y-yeah i-im fine
Uber man-were are we heading
Kenzie-to the a-airport please
And off we go next stop Canada and I think you know what that means
Jenzie :)
Anyways thank you sooooo much for ready and I hope you have an amazing day/night ♡

Bad influence || jenzieDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora