Chapter 31

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'We leave tomorrow.'

The words are still ringing in my ears. Hours have passed since then, I still haven't slept. Considering the dark blue, almost black sky is starting to get a tiny bit lighter, I probably should've by now. My eyes meet the sky as I lay on my back. Carl and Michonne slept in the car, whereas Daryl, Rick and I all slept outside. I told them I just needed some air but it was actually because it reminded me of before the world went to absolute shit. I see stars twinkling in my vision and sigh. What I wouldn't give to have an aeroplane. Then we could We could forget about the walkers and all the bad memories...

But that's just me being stupid.

I can remember all the way back to when they told us there was going to be a cure. I laugh. That just sounds silly now. I've lost all hope I had in this ending, and, to be honest, I'm loosing all my hope that I can survive this. Me and Carl let our guards down for one second and-well, you know how that turned out.

I don't notice I'm crying until I see the small drops of liquid hit the ground. I mentally slap myself. I'm done with tears, I'm done with crying. Hell, I'm done with all of it! We just need to get to Terminus and start fresh. Although, none of us even know if Terminus is going to be any good. It could be overrun or burnt could be like woodbury. Well, I guess we're going to find out soon enough. Furiously, I wipe the tears from my face and wrap my hoodie tighter against my skin, pulling up the hood so it covers my messy blonde hair. I'm not cold I just want to block everything out. I slowly drift off as I remember life as it used to be; parties, enough food, school...

I bolt up as I feel somebody shaking my arm. I reach for my gun when I realise it's just Daryl shaking me awake. I relax slightly and stand up, sliding the metal gun into my back pocket where it usually goes.

"Morning." I yawn, running my hand through my hair.

"I heard you cryin' last night." Daryl tells me, his accent thick.

"Crying? Nah, you must be hearing things." I say darkly as I walk over to Carl. I don't need to say anything and neither does he, I just kiss him on the cheek and he laces our hands together. Why was Daryl awake then anyway? Unless while we were gone some things happened to him. Whoever he was with maybe, I don't know. I sling my backpack over my shoulder and watch as Rick takes everything out of the car. Of course we're going on foot, we can't really drive over the train tracks now, can we?

"Okay, keep your guards up." Rick says as we leave. "We don't know what Terminus is going to be like."

"If it all goes to hell, I think we could take em'" Daryl says gruffly. I nod, looking at the ground. Sure, we've dealt with all kinds of shit, but who knows? Terminus could either be a new beggining,

Or it could be the end of us.

Things we lost | c.g fanfic [heavily editing bc I suck]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora