The (After) Life Of A Party

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The (After) Life Of A Party

The world seemed happy, the weather was the perfect day for picnic. And that's exactly what Patrick was thinking of doing. He was going to have a date with the love of his life, Pete. And he will make the best one. So he cook Pete's favorite meals, bought a picnic mat that shades black and white. He was good to go and everything was perfect. So he went out to go to the place where he knows Pete always stay at. He park the car near the place and he smiled once he saw the most handsome guy he has ever seen, Peter Wentz. He place the mat at the grassy ground and sat down.

"What brings you here pattycakes?" Asked Pete with a smug look "miss me already?" Pete said charmingly grins at Patrick. Patrick rolled his eyes playfully "what makes you think that? I just respect you." Patrick said playfully. Pete makes a gasp of pain playfully "that hurts patty!" He said while wiping his eyes filled of fake tears. Patrick giggles."nah, I love you." He said and smiled cutely at Pete. Pete stared at him, love swirling his eyes and smiled. "I love you too, patty cakes" he peck Patrick's cheeks, causing it to shade red. Pete laughed at that "your so cute!" He squealed. "Shut up" Patrick said blushing madly.

They sat there, throwing jokes, confessions and kisses. They were happy, and that's what Patrick wants, to make Pete happy. And that's exactly what he is doing. And now he accomplished it and it's time to say goodbye and meet again next time.

"Pattycakes?" Pete mumbled at Patrick's lap. He was tired already. They just finished a fun session of 'tag'. "Yes panda?" Patrick asked, Pete smiled at that. "I'm tired, sing me a song please." He pleaded. Patrick laughed, though feeling his eyes sting, "yea, of course panda" he said and sigh. He can feel the tears building up but he tried to stop it from falling. Pete looked at him tiredly. He laughed wiping the tears that fell down Patrick "don't cry now pattycakes, if you cry, I'll cry too." He said sadly. Patrick shook his head and sniff, wiping some tears and smiled down at Pete. "No, I'm sorry, I'll sing you a song now, the song you made for me?" Pete nodded and shifted slightly in a comfortable position, still laying at Patrick's lap. He lean up and kissed Patrick in the lips. "I love you"s and "I love you too"s were shared and that's all what they wanted. And they were contented. At least for now.

"Honey is for bees, silly bear
Besides, there's jelly beans everywhere
It's not what it seems in the land of dreams,
Don't worry your head just go sleep.

It doesn't matter how you feel, life is just a Ferris wheel,
It's always up and down don't make a sound,
When you wake up the world will come around,
When you wake up the world will come around.

It's just the sweet weather and the peacock feathers,
In the morning it will all be better,
it's not what it seems in the land of dreams,
Don't worry your head just go to sleep,
When you wake up the world will come around,
When you wake up the world will come around."

Pete sighs softly, Patrick was broken each time the song is nearing it's end. But he needed to end the song, even if it hurts so bad. He hugged Pete tightly, Pete hugging back but twice weaker. "I love you" said Patrick. "I love you too."

"Honey is for bees silly bear,
Besides, there's jelly beans everywhere,
It's not what it seems in the land of dreams
Don't worry your head just go to sleep."

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