Flamethrower. Book One of the Different Kinds series.

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This is the first story I am posting on here. I will update as long as anyone asks for it. This is only the first chapter. 

Chapter One

 Havana looked around her, squinting through the rain. Her sisters should have been here by now and they were going to be late. She pulled out her cell phone and shielded it from the strong drops pounding all around her. Turning on the backlight, she looked at the time. 11pm. She sighed as she put her phone back in the safety of her pocket and peered out into the darkness again. Coming closer she could see the outline of 2 figures, “finally” she thought to herself. As the 2 bodies came closer Havana began walking to meet them.

 Havana Carter and her younger sisters Chloe and Haley were known as Flamethrowers. They came from a world that was hidden amongst the humans, with rules of their own. Although their people were good at hiding, the human government would still take anyone exposed into custody. It was as if they were aliens from a different planet and needed to be studied like lab rats. Havana’s family just happened to be their version of a Royal Family. Albert Carter was head of the Elder Council, which was made up of 13 men. These 13 men were from carefully selected families who have ruled for centuries over their people. A new Head Elder was rarely needed before 20,000 years because of slow aging past the age of 25, so Albert was fairly new. He had gained the position of Head Elder when his father stepped down about 200 years prior, to live out some peaceful time with his 5th wife. The girls rarely saw their grandfather, but when they did he always had wonderful stories and lavish gifts.

 At 14 a Flamethrower became “mature”, his or her powers fully developed. Before this, most kids go to special schools to practice their skills and abilities, and to go through regular school. After turning 14 they still have 4 years of classes to master their abilities, and to finish their regular schooling. Every year, on their own personal New Year’s they had a huge party, the Festival of Flame, to celebrate another year, and the newly 14 year olds. The party was held at the Carter’s summer getaway mansion, which was set deep in a forest where no human was bound to see them. The party started at midnight with a quick message from the Head Elder, and then with the newly matured teens dancing the sacred dance.  A huge feast followed, and then they basically danced the night away.

 Chloe and Haley said little to each other as they walked to meet their older sister. Havana would have been waiting for a half hour by now, and she was not bound to be happy. They still had about another hour to travel, and being late was not honored in their world, or by their father. As the girls approached the designated meeting spot they saw someone walking toward them. Chloe felt Haley’s palm heat close to her own hand and muttered to her. “Stop that, it could be Ana, and she won’t be happy if you get us locked up on this night.” As they got closer Chloe could see the obvious outline of her oldest sibling and stiffened in anticipation of the wrath Ana was about to unleash on them. Beside her she sensed her younger sister tense as well. At last they were face to face with each other, and the sisters stared at one another for a moment before Havana sighed and shook her head.

                  “Let’s just go, there isn’t any sense of arguing on a night like this. The faster we get there, the better. “ Chloe and Haley nodded and the three sisters walked off together.

 A little while down the road Havana stopped abruptly, glancing around. “This way” she whispered, before slipping into the trees at their right. Without another word they took off, letting their true selves show a little more. The three of them glided through the woods at a wondrous speed, and with light swift steps. Barely a leaf rustled as they rushed past, coming closer to the destination beyond the forest. Listening closely for suspicious sounds the sisters ran steadily until they came to a small stream with a quaint wooden bridge. Havana pulled out her cell phone, again looking at the time. “11:55, we have 5 minutes."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2012 ⏰

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