When My Lord is not Home

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A/N: Hello, Everyone! I got the idea from a chat with another LOTR fan on an Amino. She's awesome and I dedicate this to her.
664 words (ish)
The day started off pretty good for Lindir. The twins behaved during breakfast. Erestor was in a slightly more approachable mood. Finally, Glorfindel's hair hadn't nearly compromised since last Tuesday, when the twins had accidentally flung their syrup-drenched flatcakes onto the twice-born warrior's head. Lindir had to fetch five bottles of shampoo for him within a two day period. Lord Elrond had grounded the twins from the archery range, and that made them irritable and more mischievous. He was about to pick up his harp to strum a light melody when he heard the hunting horn.
'Oh sweet Éru, please no...'
Usually when this horn blew, everyone including Erestor went on a hunt and left him to run the household and keep an eye on the children. He hoped that it would not be the case this time. Lord Elrond strode into the room, wearing his armor.
"Ah, there you are Lindir. We are just about to be off on a hunt, perhaps you would like to join us."
"No!" Any chance of Lindir going was cut at the shrill objection of young Lady Arwen, "Please don't go, Lindir! 'Ro and 'Dan don't wanna play with me!"
"Alright, M'lady, I shall stay. What would you like to do?"
"Bye-bye, Ada!" Arwen squealed towards her father as he left the room before turning to her 'nanny', "A tea party, Lindir!"
Before Lindir knew it, he had one of Arwen's hair bows in his hair and he was seated with the young Lady outside in her parents' pavilion. He eyed the water in his teacup warily.
"Where did you get this water, Lady Arwen?"
"The fountain!" The elfling chirped with oblivious smile.
'If you don't drink it, she'll be upset. If she's upset, she'll go to her Adar. If she goes to her Adar....'
Lindir swallowed his pride and drank what was in his cup, hoping and praying that somehow the water was from the sacred fountain that flowed directly from a cold mountain spring.
He jumped and glanced to his left to see an arrow wedged mere inches from his head. Then the twins appeared, both carrying their practice bows with them. He groaned inwardly: today was the twins' first day back on the range. He couldn't take it from them after only being on it for only a half hour.
"Stop, 'Ro, 'Dan! You almost hit Lindir!"
The twins smirked, and Elrohir began taunting Arwen.
"He's not dead, is he?"
"Stop it!"
"Is the little baby lady going to cry?"
"Stop it!" Arwen's voice rose an octave and then she began to wail.
"Boys!" Lindir scowled, drawing the mewling young elleth into his lap, "Fetch this arrow right now and go back to the range! I must calm your sister and put her down for her nap then I will deal with you!"
Arwen wrapped her arms around his neck when he stood. He rubbed her back as he briskly walked to her chambers.
"Why don't you rest, M'Lady? You'll feel better after you wake. I must talk to your brothers."
" 'K, Lindir."
Lindir put her blanket up to her chin and kissed her forehead.  He tip-toed out before closing the door and storming to the archery range. He found the twins toeing the dirt and clutching their bows with both hands.
"You should be ashamed of your behavior! If you hadn't just been able to shoot again, you would be grounded from the range for a fortnight!"
"We apologize, Lindir."
"Yes, we'll apologize to Arwen when she wakes."
"You've better."
"I wonder where Lindir and the children are?" Elrond mused.
Glorfindel chuckled, bringing Elrond's attention towards him.
"Come and see, mellon."
Lindir and the twins were fast asleep on Arwen's bed. The twins were tangled up on one side of a wide awke Arwen while Lindir was on the other.
Arwen slid off her bed and padded to the door.
"Glorfy! Ada!"
"Hello, my little swan! How was your day?"

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