The Mystery

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That Radio feed was something,it made us all very curious about the situation on planet Earth. I went on to talk with my neighbor about the situation . They opened the door and a weird look on their faces made me realize that they too were quite aware about the warnings being played on the radio. Aunt Mary said something in an apprehensive manner- "I, I was about to come yesterday, But I too was afraid of stepping out of my home, your uncle is out on his duty and I am unable to talk to him" saying this she started weeping. I went close clasped her hands tightly and tried to calm her down.

Uncle Ben was a police officer and has been on duty since the warnings started playing. The situation was quite intense there would be many like my aunt. Internet was not working. But luckily the phones were alright. I quickly called up the emergency helpline number to gather some information. But those people were not authorized to reveal the situation to the general public. This day went in vain.

The next morning I woke up at 8:30 and got fully dressed by 9:30. This gave me up to seven and half hours to travel out of my home. This was my window to gather my information. My mother, as usual, got melodramatic but somehow it was necessary to convince her, That I did within no time. It's very easy to convince your mom just you need to have solid points in your book and you too can pull it off. Then without wasting my time, I went on with my journey but in between, there were several checkpoints that suspected me most of the times. This was strange as I was not expecting this in a small town like Arkalyk.

But everything in a given time happens for a reason, I caught a glimpse of Uncle Ben. I quickly rushed towards him and told him about Aunt Mary who was quite worried due to his absence. Uncle Ben instead of showing affection he explained me in a very Bold manner and in a heavy voice - "Go back home, It's not the time for you to go on a ride kid". There was no time for thinking, I was firm on getting my answers. I accelerated my vehicle and went on despite his warning.

Next milestone before the central part of the city raised more speculations as they were setting up Quarantine zones. This was the first important clue, I noted it down and clicked a photograph of it.
Went a little further and my car was stopped by the army. They asked for papers and my driving license for verification. I had them all and I gave it too them they looked at it carefully and checked my face and asked me to return, - 'What I have to go to the Police headquarters it's just 100 meters from here, please let me go ', he replied - "Sir, It's dangerous to go further you are not allowed to go ahead of this place and for your information Police headquarters is no more functional now."

This was the second clue I got this day, which made me think about Uncle Ben's behavior and why he has not been to home since those warnings were issued. I took the last published newspaper back on my way home to get more information about the Mysterious warnings. One thing was certain that this was an anomaly that had just begun.

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