
Bryson -

"Hey baby," momma said the minute pops walked up behind her. He slapped her butt and they started laughing and kissing. Diggy laughed as I rolled my eyes.

"Hey sweetheart how was your day?" She asked.

"It was good he said back," as they started making out. I closed my eyes as Diggy laughed harder

"Okay ma pops enough, we got company," I said disgusted.

"Oh that's right I forgot your mama distracted me looking all good and shit, babe this is Bryson's friend Diggy," Pops said.

"Hi nice to meet you," mama said as she shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you too," he smiled back.

"We'll make yourself at home dinner will be ready in a few,"

"Okay," they went back to kissing like we weren't even standing there. Shaking my head I tapped him.

"Come on bro lets go," I said.

"Are they always like that?" He laughed.

"Man I wouldn't be surprised if moms didn't get pregnant again all these damn kids she needs to be neutered," I said as we laughed.

"Hey stupid," I said to Keith as I bursted in our bedroom.

"Shut up, what's up Dig,"

"Sup bro," they fist bumped as I grabbed the controllers, passing Dig one. We started playing Mortal combat. First it was me and him, and then him and Keith against each other.

A few moments later Kenya came and told us dinner was ready. We all gathered around the table like we did every night and talked about how I day went. After dinner mama let Dig sleep on the bottom bunk with Keith, Before going to bed, I went in the garage to talk to Pops.

"Yo pops can we talk for a minute?" I asked. Mama and Pops was talking as pops fixed mamas car.

"I'm gonna let you guys talk, see you inside babe," they kissed and mama left out.

"Yeah wassup?"

"I wanted to know if I could keep working at the shop maybe I could work after school, I promise my grades won't slip and I'll stay out of trouble, I just kinda like working and making my own money,"

"Of course I wouldn't mind it, but you got chores in the house, they need to be done as well," I said.

"Okay, cool, but pops can you help me get my license? I wanna learn how to drive," I said.

"Alright sure, I can help you," he said.

"Cool Thanks pops," I said.

"No problem gone on and get to bed got a long day tomorrow,".


A few months later -

Jazmine -

After dropping off the kids to school, and Keith and Daniel  to the shop me and Kendrick went to go pay a visit to Bryson's father. We spent all night talking and planning we were ready to move forward with Keith and Bryson's adoption. I had mailed a letter to Keith's father, and he sent the letter back, signed giving away his rights as Keith's father.

I called Mrs. Adams first thing this morning and talked to her about Daniel's situation, he had been staying with us for a month now, and it was like he was already ours, me and Kendrick both agreed that we couldn't just send him back to that orphanage. So now we were going from adopting two kids, to three.

After arguing damn near all night, Kendrick finally agreed with me, We stopped the construction on the small cramped apartment, and had it up for sale. We were buying a mansion in the suburban area, it was a gated community, there was a park across the street from where we lived and a Walmart not too far. It wasn't that far from the school or where we worked. We would just have to leave out a little early than we normally did.

"You ready babe?" Kendrick asked as we pulled in front of the house. Looking down at the address that I had written down it was exactly like the one on the house. We got out and walked up to the front door. Ringing on the bell a few times, a tall dark skinned guy finally came out.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

"Uhm yes, we're coming to you about your son Bryson, he's "

"Lady I got enough mouths to feed, I got five kids already, and I'm working damn near three jobs because child support taking my money every paycheck, I can't give you shit for him," he said before trying to close the door. Kendrick put his foot in the door.

"Just listen to her man," he said sternly. The dude looked from me to Kendrick before opened the door. He looked behind him and then stepped out the door.

"We're not here to ask you for money, we're hear to ask you to sign away you're rights so that we can adopt your son," I said.

"Hey I've seen you before somewhere, hold on," he said going back in the house. He came back out with a copy of my Fearless cd. It made me smile.

"Yes that's me," I said.

"Hey look, I can't take care of another child, but if you say he's mine, just take care of him, I'm in no shape to," he said. I handed him the papers and a pen. He grabbed them and signed them. I grabbed a marker from my purse and signed the cd.

We left and the moment I got down in the car, I broke down. "They're finally ours babe, they are finally ours," I said looking at the papers. Kendrick grabbed me, kissing my forehead. I pecked his lips and we drove off heading to Mrs. Adams office.


It was Friday morning and Kendrick and I had gone shopping for suits for Keith and Bryson. The whole family had gotten dressed up, Amber and Jayceon came along with their kids, Kendrick's mom, and Q was even in attendance. Me, Kendrick, Bryson and Keith stood before the judge.

"Keith you spent a majority of your childhood in the prison system, you are brother both have suffered enough abuse, and disappointment, I am sorry that you were let down by the system, we all should do better, After looking at your records past records and future records I see a major shift in your life. Since you've been keeping up your grades, working, staying out of trouble I think it's the right thing to grant you your adoption, Keith Powers, Bryson Tiller, is now Keith and Bryson Duckworth," the judge said as he banged his gavel.

Everyone began to cheer and run up to us, this was the moment of our lives. Tears fell down my eye as me and Kendrick hugged the boys. We gathered all the kids and posed for our family photo. After leaving the courthouse we all went home and I cooked a big dinner.

"Wow its really official," Keith said as both him and Bryson held their adoption papers.

"Yes it's official you're my son now which means I can whoop you for leaving your dirty dishes in the sink," I said as the boys laughed.

"I love you ma," he smiled.

"I love you too baby," I kissed his cheek and we continued to talk and laugh as one big happy family. Two down, One more adoption to go, I thought as I looked at Daniel who was playing with Jamir.

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