Heart Piece #4

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Circling in the clear blue sky above was a bird-like creature where the people around here called them Kargaroks. The species of flora and fauna in Hyrule often leaves Devamani baffled to the point where he needs to lay down for a bit. Simply just drop whatever he would be doing and level his body to the ground to avoid a potential breakdown. Now? Now was not one of those times of befuddlement. The treasure hunter spent the last week and a half walking in this large open area just trying to explore more of Hyrule. And as a result of his attempt? He was absolutely fed up.

The path he had initially came through to get to Faron woods was blocked by large boulders. Shame he couldn't go to Castle Town again to sight-see more. Not to mention a strange darkness seemed to have veil over the town causing the desire to actually approach the town to dwindle. Left with the option to travel the two other paths, Devamani tried to make his way to Kakariko village if by his bare translation of the road sign was correct. His endeavor was futile as well after this oddly lanky man in white claiming to be a mail man had inform him that the path ahead could not be cross due to a mysterious magic wall. Bright side? The treasure hunter was improving on the language and literacy of this land. Not so bright side? He would have to travel all the way across the field to see if the lake path was open.



Devamani settled down against the tree again, satisfied from the feel of his whip taking out the annoying Kargarok that had been circling above him like he was some dying prey. He was resting under a tree that stood guard of the only water bridge in the area. It looked like a park area to the man. There are fences around, so the thought wasn't so far-fetched. The treasure hunter tucked his weapon away and continues to slide down on the blanket he had spread out earlier. Obviously his travel to the 'must see' lake the locals had mentioned had been a failure too. Leave it to his luck to save the worst discovery for last. The gate to the lake was locked, having no clue on who could have done such a thing. Grotesquely covered in blood it didn't take one to be a scholar to know how the stains got there and where it came from. Devamani shivered from his recollection and hoped that the village children were fine. A thorough investigation of the gate with a method he learned from a farther land had eased the man's mind as he saw the blood had been on the gate longer than when the Ordan children were taken. It had to be around the time he was exploring Faron woods and meeting Coro, the lantern selling man.

Fate was such a funny thing. Had the treasure hunter dilly-dallied longer than he had been walking through Hyrule field. He would have been involved in the violence that followed the weird darkness currently surrounding Castle Town. Regardless of the frustration from his lack of advancement Devamani decided to slow his pace in order to conjure a plan with a clear mind. Honestly, what could he do now?

He could sing. There was a thought. Needing to vent of his frustration the treasure hunter took a deep breath and unleashed a song as off-key as he could. Something about a lion and circles. To be honest he was pretty sure there were no lions in Hyrule. 

About 2 minutes in the song's verse Devamani heard a pair of rapidly approaching footsteps. Stopping his 'singing' the treasure hunter sat up and watched as a figure neared him. He is pretty sure that the current monsters of Hyrule Field don't look as divinely as the being approaching him. Examining the solute more Devamani realized the person nearing was donning the green tunic and cap he had only seen one person wear. Not going to lie but the way the sweat gave the Ordonian's skin a nice sheen and how his bangs sprang from his jog caused a low growl to form from the back of his throat. He was not going to take back his earlier observation. Devamani blinked at his thought, the heat might be effecting him like it was for Link. 

But look at that sweat.


Link stop short from Devamani contemplating if the man would mind his dirty boots on the blanket he rested on. Hearing the Ordonian's breathing level the treasure hunter wasted no time and presented a glass jar filled with chilled cherry juice. One amazing information that the treasure hunter had found during his time in Hyrule was that the glass bottles here are magical. Well, it was kind of concluded a while back that the land was filled with magic by the man. Right, back to the bottles. Apparently they are able to sustain whatever is place in them for a long while. Cold milk that can last for many hot days. Warm soup after a trek through the snow. These bottles are made of very durable material as observed from dropping a few at great height on accident. Incredible. So incredible that Devamani's mind broke a few times witnessing their uses in action. Despite one exception that the glass bottles could not maintain Hot Spring water. It was clear that these magnificent items were not as mind-blowing to the natives of Hyrule seeing as Link simply accepted the chilled juice without a thought. That and Coro were handing them out filled with oil to compliment his lantern give-away.

"How are you doing, Link?"

Devamani asked his companion once said male took a breath from drinking. The two sat under the shade of the tree after Link decided to remove his boots to avoid dragging dirt on the blanket. The Ordonian gave a huff and leaned against the tree.

"Tough day huh? What brings you here by the way? Not that I mind since I was enjoying the scenery."

A snickering was heard from the shadows before Link could answer. Out emerged the saucy shadow like imp from below. Midna floated around for a bit before she seated herself on the closed picnic basket that Devamani had out.

"We thought someone was dying out here, but it turns out it was just you singing."

"It was that bad?"

Midna directed an unimpressed look at the treasure hunter. However, the only response received was from the Ordonian, which was a light pat on the back. Devamani glanced over to Link with a pout.

"You're a good friend, Link." Link laughed at the silly man. He then questioned what the treasure hunter was doing at such a place and how his search for the children was going.

"Well, I spent about a good week trying to get out of this field. The road to Castle Town blocked from a landslide. The gate entry to the Lake is lock. And this shadow wall is blocking Kakariko Village. Though I'm guessing Midna could do something about that last one". The little imp gave a huff in response. "In a good way, Midna. I meant it in a good way. You know I love you~."

"I-I don't need your flattery, peasant!" With that the spit fire dove back into the shadows, taking with her another one of Devamani's chilled juice bottle and a sandwich. Guess she wasn't in the mood for some chatter.

"My, she is a tsundere." Devamani glanced up to see Link's fierce blue eyes watching him. He couldn't help but grin at the other.

"Alone at last, handsome." The Ordonian flushed and avoided the dull brown eyes of his companion. Some rustling was heard from the side and Link noticed the treasure hunter laying down. It was peaceful. No monsters nearby. The food and drinks were refreshing for such a warm day. Good company too. Well, that's something Devamani thought. He would like to think that Link enjoyed his presence as well. A cool breeze brushing through his black locks. A heavy sigh left the treasure hunter to indicate his current bliss. Midna came out a few times to go through the treasure hunter's equipment. Maps were unfolded along with some books scattered here and there. She must have been looking for something in Hyrule.

However. There was this one thing that had been bothering the treasure hunter near madness. Devamani peaked one of his eyes open. There was this annoying glare of the sun. This devilish sun beam aimed strategically at his eye. His sight traveled to the hilt of the sword that rested on Link's back. The Ordonian didn't even seem to have notice he was flashing the man.

"Link, you're blinding." Link only scoff in return thinking the treasure hunter was flirting again. "Would you mind turning your body a bit? Or take off your sword?" Confused at the question asked, Link glanced down at his friend. And he stared. Devamani in turn stared back. It really was not that difficult to stare at the Ordonian. Not really moving until the swordsman mentioned something.

"I have a heart on my eye?" Devamani tried to confirm as he raised an eyebrow in question. Link repeated his sentence. This time tracing a heart pattern over his own eye. Trying to repress the image of Link with a heart over one of his eye, Devamani got up to see the light pattern on the blanket. And indeed there was a heart shape pattern on the blanket where he had laid. While the swordsman was busy staring at the blanket, the treasure hunter traced the light source based on the shadow of the tree they sat under.

"Oh, there's a heart piece up there." Link followed the male's gaze and saw that indeed there was a beautiful heart piece on the tree.

"You think Midna would mind getting that for us?" A head shake. "Yeah, I thought so too."  Said shadow imp decided to take a nap on Devamani's travel bag. The two men stared up at the heart piece in silence for a while longer. It was kind of serene. Until Link recommended using his boomerang.

"So you think you can knock it out with your boomerang?"

Devamani leveled his gaze with Link.

"You're going to blow it out of the tree?"


"There's a wind sprite trapped in the boomerang?!"

The more Link tried to explain the more Devamani's mind was cracking.

"Er. Eh. Ok. How about you show me that later. I don't think I want to fetch my blanket after a small tornado blows through because of the magic boomerang. And I don't think Midna would like waking up being tossed". Simply to sum it up Link isn't that good at explanations. The hand gestures and facial expressions were cute, though. The Ordonian did agree that using his boomerang now would cause more of a mess.


In the end Link watched as his companion masterfully captured the heart piece with his whip.

"I take it you're heading to Kakariko Village now? Mind if I join? Kind of stuck here."

Link beamed at the prospect of another travel companion.

"What? You want to learn that trick with the whip? Sure I don't mind. But show me that boomerang magic first."

Before packing up for their journey, Devamani handed the heart piece over to Link with a grin.

"Honestly you are blinding, Link. Especially that smile."

For the rest of the time spent packing Link had to diligently repress his flushed smile while the treasure hunter had to nurse his forehead that got flicked. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2019 ⏰

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