"No, that shouldn't be possible... a genetic matrix...."

"Believe me. It was nothing short of Dr. Frankenstein but worse.

"But in the proper hands," Martin tried to reason, "the scientific possibilities would be endless: eliminating disease, extending life... everything just needs to be properly controlled."

Martin was so excited he couldn't catch his breath; he calmed down and continued, "I believe with this information we can go to the government and the I.A.S. and prove this can be used for good and get the laws overturned, once they understand the laws prohibiting cloning are unfounded, in these circumstances . . . " but, before Martin could finish, the voice cut him off completely.

"No! Stop! You do not understand. You are forgetting, I told you the experiment went very, very wrong. This scientist kept pushing and ignored all the warning signs. The scientist began playing God! Dr. Kane, I now understand the reason the Anti-Cloning laws carry such severe penalties. Mankind is not ready to control such power. We are not meant to be God!" A note of great sadness came through and then a long pause before the voice continued. "Dr. Kane, these cloning experiments eventually produced, not a super human but the evil everyone is now calling 'Controller', that is why I so desperately need your help."

Martin felt the urgency in the voice and again began to turn toward it. He now realized everything he'd heard in the last few days about Controller was true. It was indeed a sentient being.

"No, do not turn around!"

Martin felt the outstretched arm pressing firmly against his back again...this time holding him in place.

"I'm aware of every scientist who might be capable of achieving this cloning process, certainly I must know you. If you accidentally created--"

"Uh, no, Dr. Kane, you misunderstand. I am not the scientist."

"Then why don't you give me the scientist's name? I'll talk to him, or her and we can work together and ..."

"Dr. Kane, if we were dealing with a normal person I might but this one is obsessed and believes Controller is no threat, just a spoiled child that needs guidance. You see, the scientist is my brother and he is quite delusional about this. I know if I reveal who he is, he will be destroyed. As much as that might be the right thing to do, I ur, just can't."

Now that Martin better understood, he tried harder to ascertain the identity of the distraught voice holding his attention. He listened for anything that would give him a clue but there was nothing familiar. Martin tried to ask questions which might help. "It sounds as if you love your brother very much, wouldn't you want to get him help? Maybe there is a way to see his experiment come to good, instead of evil?"

"That is why I came to you. I know him oh so well and the only possibility now is the one I have chosen. I believe the best way I can help, is to give you the information and hope that you and others like you, can destroy Controller before it does any additional harm and more importantly, before my brother is found out. Then, once the threat is ended, I would hope whatever information I have supplied to you today might be used for good. I have recorded the research on data disks which I will now play for you. But after you hear them, they will self-destruct."

Sounding very torn the voice went on, "I do this to protect my brother and our relationship. I know if he ever finds out what I've done, he will go completely mad and kill me and then commit suicide."

Martin tried to remain calm but for the first time in years, he wondered about Remy. Could that have been the reason he disappeared, in Paris so long ago? Did his experiment somehow go wrong? Had he committed suicide...? Not wanting to think such thoughts Martin inquired, "Why come to me, why not go to another scientist, or even the I.A.S? I'm sure you know that since their inception, they've been the power supreme in the scientific community. Or, if you don't want to go to other scientists, what about the computer industry, they seem to want to know more about Controller?"

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