Love Story

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Puffatron was in her palace with her father who was very protective of her. He did not think any man or prince was good enough for his gal. Puffatron sat upon her balcony looking over the garden when she notice Purratron. He was a gardener in the royal garden taking care of the beautiful blue roses which are Puffatrons favorite of all roses. She would then watch him everyday watching the sweat roll off his brow. She then caught him looking at her admiring her beauty from afar.

 Purratron whispers: If only I could have a beauty such as that to admire everyday within my arms. A rose upon her hair with no worries to ever come. A beauty such as hers would last for a life time and even more. My beauty from afar a rose that has a thorn watching keeping her captive from my grasp. I will reach you even if I have to climb the biggest moutain, or fly to the farthest galaxy. You will be mine my rose of beauty.

  One night Puffatron snuck out of the castle and got out of the kingdoms gate. She had went deep into the forest to a little clearing by a waterfall that lead into a little river flowing away from the kingdom. She sat down upon a rock breathing a tad heavily, but with a sigh of relief to be away from the kingdom and the prison of walls. She cried into her hands wishing to be as free as this everyday to just fly into the sky as free as the doves. Her tears fell into the water, but atlas there was danger for who to appear behind her than some bandits. 

 Puffatron feels a hand upon her shoulder she quickly gets up and does a spin looking upon the men who stand behind her. Two men holding daggers grins one is short while the other is tall they both wear bandannas over their face to be not seen.

 Bandit 1: Come now we have a princess in our mist. You must be the famous princess Puffatron.

 Bandit 2 gives a snicker and then grabs her arm.

 Bandit 2: Well what shall we do with her?

 Bandit 1: Let us hold her for ransom.

 Bandit 2: Yes lets.

 They both laugh as Puffatron gives a scream so loud it burst their ears and have to cover them, but who was not to far heard this scream is none other then Purratron who comes running to the cry of his beautiful rose.

  Purratron runs into the forest coming up behind the bandits. Purratron then attacks the men using the shears he had on him. He raises a hand cutting the tall bandits hand with the shears in a stabbing motion. The short bandit then kicks Purratron in the kneecaps knocking him down for a moment as then the short bandit runs up to stab Purratron he uses his shears to cut the short bandit on the face he then screams out.

 Bandit 2: My face!!!!!The bandit runs off his friend right behind him.

 Bandit 1: It isn't that bad!!!!!  

  Purratron bows lightly reaching his right hand out.

 Purratron: Hello Puffatron are you okay milady?

 Puffatron blushes taking his hand lightly with her right.

 Puffatron: Thank you so much for saving me.

 Purratron takes the princesses hand and yank her into a light spin into him catching her with his left hand bending her back lightly.

 Purratron: Anything for a beautiful rose.

 Purratron then leans in kissing her upon the lips.

 Purratron: Let us run away together my princess.

 He lifts her up spinning her back to facing him in standing position.

 Puffatron: Yes let us run away together.

 Puffatron and Purratron run away together hand in hand soon meeting up with Kat and becoming later Animatronics.  

~~~Flashback End~~~

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