"Fun with an ink demon and a ink spider

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This is a disclaimer on how the story going to go:
"Normal toon Talking"
"Ink form talking"
Also this part will have nsfw so plz leave if your under age
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Bendy Gently Pets Edgar's head, as he gently Cradles the inky spider and locks the door so no more searchers would try and get in. "It's ok edgar let's deal with this heat together~" bendy Gently licks Edgar's face, "okay but out of ink form ok....." Edgar whimpers for bendy's size scares him"I can's go normal toon Edgar you know this I'm not like you and he others" edgar morphs into a more of his cartoon form "will it hurt?...." bendy Gently bites Edgar's neck making the inky spider yelp then moan "a little bit it's both our first time" he then licks the bite mark and sucks to make a ink version of a hickey, Edgar slams his libs against bendy's.
Bendy purrs Edgar's libs were soft not just because of the size of them. Bendy yelps as Edgar bites his lib with his fangs "bendy you know I'm not venomous Also revenge for that neck bite~".
Bendy growls softly and gently rubs Edgar's genital slit, "b-b-bendy...." Edgar shivers as he gets more wet down there, "there's your cock....now where is your pussy?.." bendy smirks as he touches Edgar's cock and finding a slit just under the cock slit, bendy smirks and plunges his a finger in it, causing Edgar to yelp in pain and surprise "found it!~" edgar whimpers as bendy starts to finger him with one finger then two "bendy...ah~.....plz~....".
Bendy smirks as he feels his cock come out of it's slit and some tentacles come out of his body , puts a tentacle in front of Edgar's mouth "open wide" Edgar opens mouth for bendy as the tentacle shoved into his mouth, Edgar Whimpers and whine as he gently sucks it.
Bendy's other tentacles slither and coil around Edgar's limbs and pin them down and spreads his legs, one tentacle slithers down Edgar's butt and teases his anus, "mmmfft~ mfft~" Edgar Moans as bendy stops fingering Edgar's vagina, and lines up His dick to Edgar's vagina "ready?....~" bendy Coos.
Edgar nods and gasps and the tentacle by his butt shoved into him, and bendy slams into his vagina "MMFFTT!?!" Edgar's eyes widen as bendy Gently starts to thrust the tentacles including the one in his mouth.
Bendy pants as he feels Edgar's Walls tighten around his cock and tentacle, his mouth was so warm, "Edgar~....your so tight...~" bendy moans at each thrust, Edgar's eyes drop as bendy thrusts go faster and harder, all the sudden POP!
Edgar's eyes widen as bendy's knot swells inside him, now him and bendy we're knotted and he moans loudly along with bendy as they both cum, Edgar pants as bendy's cum fills his mouth, his anus, his vagina as well, he pants as he cums as well
Bendy pants as he pulls out the tentacles the one in Edgar's mouth was connected by a long string of spit and cum "that....was...fun.." Edgar pants with bendy still knotted in him "Yeah....my sweet Edgar..~" Edgar Purrs with bendy and cuddles with him
"Let's take a nap..." Edgar Nods as bendy cuddles him


End of chapter 3

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