The one with the auditions

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as soon as we get to school Reid and I go to our lockers and quickly jam our stuff as best we can and to the narrow lockers. We make our way to our first class and Jessica is waiting for him. She starts begging him to take her back. I've always felt uncomfortable with everyone of Reid's girlfriends so I quietly and quickly slip away into our first class. A few seconds before the bell rings Reid lunged for his seat and yells I'm not tardy. The rest of the day goes by fast as if it slipped through my fingers. I wait for Reid in our usual meeting spot before auditions. Once he arrives he is still in his warm-up gear for athletics. The clothes perfectly carve out his muscular figure.
"you ready?" Reid says
"As I'll ever be!"I say
We walk towards the theater and enter and sit house left at the front of the room. I get really nervous before going on stage to audition. And Reid could see I was getting nervous so to call me down he grabs my hand and wraps his other arm around me. Mrs.weebly our director and drama teacher walks in. She goes over The procedures and we start the auditions she hands out some cold reading slides. Auditions go by fairly quickly which isn't a normal occurrence in the theater world. As soon as it's over me and read head back out to his car and start the drive home. Reid puts on the radio. I fall asleep quickly. I wake up in Reid's arms he is carrying me in to bed as soon as the sheets cover me I am able to fall back asleep. Reid kisses my head and leaves. The next morning I wake up throw on an Adidas tracksuit some white converse and put my hair into a messy bun. I grab a granola bar on the way out to Reid's truck. We start our Journey to school . When we get there there's a big crowd outside the bulletin announcement board.
"The cast list must be posted!" Reid says

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