Saving Kili/Bolg vs Legolas

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At Bard's house, Tauriel washes and tears apart the Kingsfoil in a tub of water held by Tilda "Hold him down." Fili, Oin, and Bofur pick up a moaning Kili and lay him on the table and try to hold him down. She approaches with the bowl of water and examines Kili's wound. Seeing how black and festered it is, she looks away in worry. As the others look on, Tauriel closes her eyes and begins chanting in Elvish while she kneads the soaked kingsfoil in her hand, then presses it to Kili's wound "Menno o nin na hon i eliad annen annin, hon leitho o ngurth. [May the blessing that was given to me be sent from me to him, may he be released from death.]" Kili screams and thrashes in pain, and Sigrid jumps in to help hold him down. She calls her sister to come help as well "Tilda !" Tauriel continues chanting. Fili looks at her strangely, and Oin listens in amazement through his fairly dented hearing trumpet. Kili begins calming down. In his hearing, it seems as though Tauriel's voice has become echoing and all-encompassing. To his vision, she appears to start glowing like a star. He stares at her, glassy-eyed.
*In Erebor*
Everything is quiet and dark. There is no sign of either the dragon or the dwarves. Suddenly, there are footsteps. The dwarves emerge out of a tunnel and approach a stone bridge over a chasm. Thorin raises his hand and quiets the group "Shh. Shh." Dori whispers "Quiet." They near the foot of the bridge and Thorin peers around the edge of the tunnel, looking for any sign of Smaug. They all whisper. Dori says "We've given him the slip." Dwalin says "No, he's too cunning for that." Bilbo asks "So where to now ?" Thorin replies "The western guard room. There may be a way out." Balin tells him "It's too high. There's no chance that way." Thorin says "It's our only chance. We have to try." Quietly, they tiptoe across the bridge, looking all about. Suddenly, a coin falls to the floor right in front of Bilbo and rings loudly. They all freeze and look at Bilbo, who frantically checks his jacket to see if some coin had been stuck in a fold. Hearing another coin fall, they look up and see Smaug crawling just above them, looking for them. He hasn't seen them. The coins that fell came from his chest and arms, where several coins and gems have embedded themselves after years of him sleeping on them. Thorin motions for them to keep moving.
*In Laketown*
At Bard's house, Tauriel binds Kili's leg with a clean cloth. Kili lies on the table with his head in a basket of walnuts. Oin and Fili are in the kitchen, watching a pot of water boil. Oin says "I've heard tell of the wonders of elvish medicine. That was a privilege to witness." Kili slightly opens his eyes and looks at Tauriel "Tauriel." Tauriel tells him "Lie still."

Kili whispers "You cannot be her

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Kili whispers "You cannot be her." Tauriel looks up in confusion. Kili continues "She is far away. Sh- She is far, far away from me, and she walks in starlight in another world." Tauriel looks at him who says "It was just a dream." He slowly raises his hand and entwines his fingers with Tauriel's "Do you think she could have loved me ?" Tauriel is silent.

" He slowly raises his hand and entwines his fingers with Tauriel's "Do you think she could have loved me ?" Tauriel is silent

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