Smaug, Outraged/Bard In Jail

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In Laketown, Bard and Bain sneak through the town. Bard is holding the arrow. Bard look around a corner to check whether all is clear "Alright." Bain asks "A black arrow ? Why did you never tell me ?" Bard tells him "Because you did not need to know." They duck behind a wall as soldiers pass by. Bard puts his arm on Bain's shoulder and indicates the tower with the dwarvish windlance on top "Listen to me carefully: I need you to distract the guards. Once I'm at the top of the tower, I'll set the arrow to the bow." Just then, the captain of the soldiers and the other soldiers, who have been sent to find Bard, see him "There he is ! Bard ! After him !" Bard whispers to his son "Quickly ! Down there ! Go !" Bard and Bain run from the soldiers. The captain shouts "Stop him !" Bard and Bain run through shop and docks, knocking over various items in their way. The soldiers follow, yelling 'Stop him !' The shopkeepers yell angrily at both parties. When they have put some distance in front of the guards, Bard stops Bain and hands him the black arrow "Bain ! Bain. Keep it safe. Don't let anyone find it. I'll deal with them." Bain shouts "I won't leave you !" Bard shouts "Go !" As Bain runs off, Bard turns and faces the captain of the soldiers, who has just caught up to him "Braga." Braga tells him "You are under arrest." Bard asks "On what charge ?" Braga replies "Any charge the Master chooses." Bard turns and sees that he is surrounded. He then turns back and suddenly punches Braga in the face, then punches his way through the soldiers and runs with the soldiers in pursuit. Bain, seeing the soldiers chase his father, jumps into a boat and hides the arrow beneath some ropes and fishing gear. Bard runs through the town. He leaps across a channel using boats as stepping stones. He uses his momentum to cause the last boat to slide several feet across the water until he can step onto the opposite bank. A soldier trying to follow him slips and falls out of a boat into the water. Bard runs down an alley, but a foot is suddenly stuck out of a doorway and Bard trips over it, falling into a pile of wood. As he sits up, dazed, Alfrid steps forward, followed by the Master. As Bard struggles to get up, the Master lifts a wooden pole and hits Bard in the head with it, knocking him out. Outside the mountain, the dwarves in the clearing on the mountain see an orange glow from the mountain coming through the door. Ori asks "What about Bilbo ?" Thorin says "Give him more time." Balin asks him "Trying to do what ? To be killed ?" Thorin looks at him "You're afraid." Balin pauses for a moment, then steps up to Thorin "Yes, I'm afraid. I fear for YOU. A sickness lies upon that treasure hoard, a sickness that drove your grandfather mad." Thorin says "I am not my grandfather."

Balin says "Your sister was right

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Balin says "Your sister was right. You're not yourself. And she knew it. The Thorin I know would not hesitate to go in there-" Thorin interrupts him "I will not risk this quest for the life of one burglar." Balin looks at Thorin disgustedly "Bilbo. His name is Bilbo."


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