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Liam's POV -

I'm at the arrival gate waiting for Zach to come through. He had told me before that he was also wearing clothes matching his skin. Here he is, and now he's getting a bit quicker coming towards me.

I give him a 'man' hug as we meet. Wow, he's hotter than I imagined, a lot hotter, to be honest I'm not sure what I was expecting, but having a crush on a guy that I didn't know what he looked like this is definitely the best turnout possible!

Zach's POV -

I now feel my legs speeding up to meet him, and he pulls me in for a hug. We stand there in silence for a minute, I can't believe how good looking he is!

I then break the silence by doing our factions intro "Hbomb94!" He follows lead and responds "GraserMC!"

"I can't believe it's actually you! I've met 'the' Hbomb94!"

Liam's POV -

"Okay, bud, we're going to have to get a taxi back and I'll come back tomorrow to get my motorbike because I don't think you'll be able to put your suitcase on the back of that."

"Sure thing, dude. I'll go halfsies with you."

We're walking down to the car park where the pick up bay is and I call a taxi to come get us. The cab arrives and we both get in the backseat, then I tell the driver my address and before we know it we're practically there!

Zach's POV -

We keep up the conversation all the way too Liam's apartment. We were talking about YouTube and the cab driver was quite interested.

We just arrived at the apartment complex and were taking the elevator up when my mouth has the urge to leak out some information!

First Time (Gbomb94)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin