How You Met! Zahhak!

Start from the beginning

I just sit there till I feel ready to go. I mean both the kitchen and living room are pretty clean as is. Meaning I was just too lazy now to clean a little more/my feet really hurt. I finally got up to leave, but the door is locked.. Nothing I do seem to open it up. Well, I guess I will have to go sit down and wait for.. Who am I kidding, I want to sit down in front of the air conditioner. I closed my eyes..... And opened them up cause I left cookies in the oven.

I saved the cookies. If I left, I would've burned their Hive "house" down. I took the cookies off the cookie sheet to cool. And No I Don't have two cookies in my mouth I don't know what you are talking about. Anyway, Hot Hot cookies in the mouth! Bad idea, but really good cookies!

I decide to double clean the house "Hive" to make sure that it's clear, and that I didn't bring anything with me thinking I would just play with kids in the neighborhood. I didn't bring my phone with incase of an accident. I will just Wait for The Zahhak family to save me. Jumping / running around the hive/home like a mad man on a Thursday night remembering his wife for a corn chip. If I'm honest And that is "if" I'm Honest, I dread meeting them. I Cleaned the aftermath of 'that' robot. That thing was huge, wide, thick and hard. Yet the next time I came over the thing was in bits. You need to be the Fu-Fudging Hulk! I laid down and closed my eyes. Its Was The best Nap I Took. When I Woke Up I hear the Door, I when of course went to it.

The door was jiggling, then fell apart. It was like an old cartoon joke of something, falling apart to reveal a man that is too big for this hive "house". He's a big Guy; Big in blue, like a blue boy. Baby blue, blue blue, I'm just saying blue and colors close to it. I was doing that so I don't scream at him. I was absolutely intimidated, I'm a smol Girl with the strength of a Marshmallow. I hope he's Mr. Zahhak, and if his not I will let him rob the place.

He noticed me, we just stared at each other. I think it called leering, it is unpleasant to be stared at for this long. I should say something....

"Mr. Zahhak?" He seems to snap out a trance. Strangely I thought they were Scandinavian but I should have guessed differently from words like "Hive" "Muscle Beast" "lusus" and Etc.

"Mrs(Mother's/Last name)?" He Appeals to be shocked? At this point, I can't really tell.

"Yes, That is... The old Lady that helped me" Well I'm Not Wrong, just Trying to escape without him caring too much. I might be too scared to think straight, But again when did I?

"Oh... Is she In The Back?"

What do I say now? I'm Freaking Out, Why? He's just Standing in the doorway Leering at me!

"Noooooooo. She On a vacation" Is that The Only thing I can Come up with? It's true though.

"When will she come back?" What do I say Now, Well I shouldn't Say something weird Or Awkward.

" Well she's dead and I would be worried if she came back" I made it awkward I don't know how to move forward from this he looks kind of stunned, should I say just joking, kidding or just pulling your leg?

" Sorry about.." we were both really lucky when the kids came in, putting down groceries. The oldest child who I assume is Horuss Smile at Me, I Already know He's sweet, polite, And well-mannered Teen boy. Looking at him, He Does come off as intimidating Too. The reason I know anything about them is because these two like to write Me letters. Horuss is more likely to write me more then Equ, It's not that often though; just recalled back to the broken pencils In Equius' Room.

"Hello, I'm Horuss this is My Lusus Darkleer and Brother Equius." I May Need- Why are they sweating?

"I am (NAME) It's Nice To Meet You Horuss, Sorry to cut this Short though I Have to go back now" I was hoping to escape But Had to say It's Too Dark for Me to be alone.

"I can walk with you!" Horuss chirp. Equius look at Horuss then Me. I wish that boy said something, I really wanted to know what his voice sounded like.

I don't know how Darkleer Agreed to walk with me but that just happened. Horuss Seem Sad About it but Smiled. Mr. Zahhak Told the boys to get ready for dinner and wait for him to come back. We Left The House ¨Hive" That Was Too Small For Mr. Zahhak to live IN, Like Dude, your seven Feet tall and your Hive is like Six four??

The walk Was Awkward. If someone saw us they will run cause the feeling here or assume something... Well, Mr. Zahhak is scary but did nothing to be scary. I hear him Heavily breathing and trying to start a conversation? then decide it's not a good idea. so I guess you just nervous? I would be.. okay I'm nervous too. I should start.

"You have a nice kid Mr. Zahhak." HE'S TURNING BLue.. he is blush... Not Suffocating... My bad.

"Yes, I raised them Well and STRONG" I Absolutely don't know why he said it like that. I guess it sounded cool? Great we are back to heavy breathing and silence Or close to it. It feels like Hours.. Well, all the detours Are gone now so it took like an hour of walking to get to the Business.

"Thank you for walking me Mr. Zahhak" he just nods and walked away.

" ..M..." I tried to say something again, but I was too nervous. What would be the point too? He needs to be with his family. Not some kid he met today.

I walked into the building to notice no one locked the place. Or cleaned there is mud on the floor. I guess I'll clean it.. Later. Locking the door I look around more. The building is a house that was too old to be Demolish and is on the historical list. Well, that is what I understand. It has a room many rooms, like for workers to get dress and or clean themselves up or a room here Cause I hate going home. It's like a party every day there. And a Big mess 24/7. Plus it is quiet here. And no Stranger comes in my room here. Those were weird times to wake up from, and unsafe. I feel safe here, I do Wish Mom and Dad stayed or took me with them. Where did you go? Why? I know The workers left doesn't mean you can leave. It just means, I love them.. it's...

At least  I Feel Safe.

( I finish this! I hope you enjoy )

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