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snowy pov

I wake up to no fighting that is weird. I take a shower I change into black skinny jeans and a t-shirt that says 'I DONT CARE' put my black convers on I get my little sister katie up she's 5 I put her in a pink dress that says " I LOVE UNICORNS" I put purple tights under the dress I give her her backpack I get mine to we go down stairs I make a bowl of lucky charms for us I get my keys to the truck. I drop her of at the school I tell her "I will pick you up after school I love you" she says "I love you too sissy" she runs of with her friends I drive to school Kaylee is sick so eden is taking care of Kaylee connor is on a family road trip and Jackson is with connor I get my history book from my locker after I get my book Vikky the slut of the school and her fallowers come my way vikky pushes me against the lockers she tells me " your a stupid slut " " a fatass" " depressed hoe" when they leave I run to history mr.hale (twilight fans will get it lol) tells me that i'm late and I have detention after school I nod my head then I take a set in the very back of the class room . after English it's time for lunch and just my luck I bump into vikky and her hoe's of friends she pushes me into the lockers again this time she says "you worthless bich your just a wast of space you don't deserve to live so do all of us a favor and kill yourself" her friends push me down and punch my face . when there done I have a black eye a bloody nose and a few brusies here and there I go to nurse flowers she cleans my nose and gives me a ice pack for my eye when I f there I go to the football field I sit in the middle of it and I think I think about my mom and dad and my sister when we where happy and fun and how happy I was and when Dillon he's like my brother and he just got up and left . even though it was a year ago I fell like it's my falt that he left . I miss him so fucking much he was there when I needed to talk to someone about my family when logan's and i's relanship was going down. NOW HE MIGHT NOT BE COMING HOME CUZ OF HIS GIRLFRIEND. why me why does god hate me so much . I go back inside and go to music and I sit in the back today miss . V says to write a song to someone it could be a breakup song a love song or a you left me heart broken even though we not dating song just my fucking luck right. after school I go pick up my sister we get home I see my dad coming out of the house with bags he kisses katie and mine heads "I love y'all don't think I don't" that's when I relised that he's leaving I feel tears in my eyes I run up to my room and lock the door I get out my home work and start on my math then history and then I pick up my guitar and one of my notebooks that I don't use and I start to right my song for music I eventully wright my song (the song on top) I called it "when you love someone" I put my guitar down I grab some shorts and a sport bra and a pantys and a towl I unlock my door and go into the bathroom I take a shower when i'm done putting my clothes on I wash my face and brush my teeth and hair I briad my hair.i go back into my room and video chat Kaylee and eden on the 3erd ring they answer "how you doing kay" I ask "as good as a person with a fever can be" she said I lough she smiles at me "snowy what the hell happened to your eye" eden says "nothing I ran into my door" I lie "well I gotta go bye love ya'll see you at school eden hope you fell better kay" "night " they say

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