Then she had started sending photos. Just of things she was talking about initially, but then she started sending photos of herself as well just to show him where she was or what she was doing at the moment. In return, he started sending her pictures as well. But just of Sebbie. Nadine seemed to love them.

James knew though that this might be just for now. Probably, Nadine will get tired of him eventually.

He doesn't really know how friendship works but he doesn't really see anything ideal to being his friend. So, he just lets himself enjoy it while it lasts and he makes sure to save her photos so if the time comes when she stopped reaching out to him, at least he'll have those.

James had heard the door closed and he looked up. That was when he noticed that there was a new stack of paper on his table.

"Huh. Did Nathan came?" He asked and looked at Sebbie. Sebbie just looked at him for a beat and then went back to his chew toy.


It was around dinner time when Nadine next sent him a message.

James smiled as he read the first one (Nadine usually sent several).

'Jaaaaaaaames' it says.

But his smile faded away when he saw the next one.


He replied at once.

'Did something happen? Are you okay?'

As a reply, she sent a picture. But it wasn't just of her. It was a picture of the two of them that night in the restaurant. Nadine's face is seen but it was only James's back that was visible from the angle of the camera.

'Someone saw us and took a picture of us. 😭' She says next.

Suddenly, James felt a little scared. Does her mom knows now? He was 100% sure her mother wouldn't want her associating with him even though he was technically family. He'd always been seen as an outsider and he was sure Dennis would make sure his new family will see him that way, too.

James was already used to that, and he even expects it of people. But Nadine... He wasn't quite ready to say goodbye to the chats.

'So what will happen now?' He asked, even though he didn't want to.

'Well, my mom got angry because I slipped. And I might be getting new bodyguards.' She sent next.

'But the worst about all of this is that the media doesn't know it's you since they can't see your face.' She sent next and James was a little confused.

He waited cause he knew she have more to say.

'But that lead to people assuming that I was on a date with Carlos Gamboa 😭' She said.

James felt somewhat annoyed at that and he didn't even know why. Still, he waited for her next message.

'He's my mom's friend's son and has been trying to court me for a few months now but I don't like him at aaaallll. He's arrogant and thinks he's a gift to woman and everyone should be thankful he's existing.' She sent.

'But mom loves the idea because he's from a wealthy family that she trusts. And now mom is all excited and is setting me on a date with him.'

'I hate this.'


James sighed, not really knowing how to feel about this. But he knew he had to comfort her. That's what friends do, right?

But he didn't really know what to say about her predicament, so instead, he started talking about his.

'You know, Nadine... It's my mom's death anniversary today.' He sent.

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