Thapki : umm sir i wwanted to ask something umm actually iits a request...

Dhruv : go on...

Thapki : sir i wwant to go to my college and continue my studies as well i mean can wwe nnegotiate time i mean i'll aattend my classes and will be here till the time my work ddoesn't gets completed. Plz sir... can I ?

Dhruv : hey no worries its ohkay you can do that..i am okay with it darling....

Dhruv caressed her cheek and thapki almost flinched at his touch...

Kabir : bhai , here i am you called me...

Dhruv stepped backwards away from thapki growing awkward.

kabir looked at thapki and thapki at him the two stared at each other for a long time and Dhruv cleaved it embracing kabir.

Kabir : who is she ?

Dhruv : my persnol sec....anyway leave all this kabir you're going to your college i assume ?

kabir : yes..

Dhruv : drop her on the way whereever she wanna go...

Thapki : no sir..its okay ii'll man..manage...

Dhruv : its an order both should leave now.

college ,

As soon as the two entered the campus shradha launched herself on kabir. And the two hugged for quite a long moment.

Shradha : Thapkiiiii (jocundly) you finally  showed up....i missed you so much...

Thapki : i too...finally i i aam hhere...

kabir : am glad you are...

Thapki blushed at his remark her cheeks crimson , were swelled as a curve telecasted itself on her plumpy lips.

Shradha for the first time witnessed a fear germinating within her accompanied with jealousy . Kabir was inclining towards Thapki day by day and shradha's envy multiplying. And the day finally came when the two fell in love with each other.

Thapki and kabir were deeply in love with eachother unknown to the fact that dhruv loves her and shradha loves kabir the two were planning their future together.

shradha : Thapki snatched kabir's love from me she backstabbed me i was in love with him but she stole him and now Bihaan i won't forgive her ever for this sin.
And then the most dark day of thapki's life was plotted by me and dhruv. We both joined hands to separate them and eventually we succeeded. Bihaan did not kill your husband it was Dhruv. The factory was set on fire by us and we wanted to frame kabir in this so Dhruv instigated kabir against Uncle and I uncle against kabir. We both dispatched fake letters to either of them that is one letter was received by kabir from uncles's name and one to uncle by his. The letter called the two for a short meeting in the factory . The two got into a big tiff and uncle slapped kabir to which kabir pushed him on floor . Our plan was simple frame kabir kill
your husband and then I would have saved him triumphing on his love .

But , somehow everything effaced it was all collapsed . What we planned and what took place was enitre opposite everything went downhill . Somehow Sahir got to know our evil intentions and Being Bihaan's best buddy he informed him and he showed up at the place then we panicked I mean we just decided to enforce our plan the way we wanted and there was just a small change besides uncle bihaan would also be killed that's it and we'll save kabir. We ignited the factory on fire and everything was going good but our rescue team to save kabir delayed and we were screwed up I mean I dhruv wasn't bothered at all. I cried I begged him to save kabir but he did not twitch his single muscle . I fainted and dhruv helped me he took me with him . And the next morning I just read a headline " The renowned businessman Balwinder pandey and his son Kabir killed in a fire massacre, BIHAAN PANDEY in police custody under suspicion."
My world turned upside down , my senses stopped conducing I was just just paralyzed for a while and then my heart bursted everything in me exploded as grieve striked me I was sinking , sinking without a life jacket in the sea of gloom.

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