Chapter 7: I just drank a fifth of vodka, dare me to drive?

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The cops, of course, arrested Michael. The EMT who loaded Melissa into the ambulance wanted to check my face, I wouldn't let him. "I can't believe he just hit me." I said to the worker. I, of course, had to give a statement to the arresting officer. It sent chills down my spine having to relive everything that had just happened. After I finished with the cop he said to me "Mam', you really need to get to the hospital to get checked out." I nodded. My nose had finally quit pouring blood, but everything hurt, a lot. I waited for everyone to leave and I sat outside on the front porch in disbelief. I was so shocked, I couldn't even form tears. Was this my life?

It was right about this moment my phone rang. I looked down and saw it was Marshall. I had completely forgotten he was wanting to see me today. I answered it, but I didn't say anything because I knew if I did I would burst into tears. "Hello?" he asked after a few seconds. "Marissa? Are you there?". When he said that I began to cry. I tried to hold back, but I was physically unable to. Crying made me need to sniffle, but that hurt so much I would just cough. I was a mess. I was also tasting blood again. "Woah, are you okay? Marissa, calm down." I could tell he was getting worried now. "What's going on? Talk to me, please?" he pleaded. He took a pause for me to respond, but I was still having trouble forming words. Plus, breathing was beginning to become harder. "Okay, I don't know what's going on, but I'm on my way. Are you at home?" he finally said. Somehow, I got out the word 'yes', but don't ask me how. "Stay where you are. I'll be there as fast as I can." he said. I could hear his car door open and close in the background. "I can stay on the phone if it helps until I get there.". He was so sweet. I took as deep of a breath as I could and said "no." but I immediately started to cry again. "Okay, I'm coming, hang on." he said, and he hung up.

I sat in my same spot on the porch. I did not want to go inside, because I knew it was going to be too painful. I spotted the chain to the door lock on the ground by the porch from where Michael busted our door down. He busted our door down. I still couldn't believe this was happening. I tried a few times to quit crying, but the tears just wouldn't stop.

I dried up the crying quickly once I saw Marshall's car coming around the corner. I was unsure how he handled tragedy, but I was about to find out. When he got out of his car, he had a solemn look on his face. I immediately looked down at the ground because I wasn't ready for him to see what I looked like. "What's going on?" he asked me, taking a seat next to me on the step. I kept looking at the ground, but I knew I would have to look at him eventually. I sniffled again, it sent pain rushing through my face. I could feel him intensely staring at me, burning a hole in my face with those wonderful blue eyes. My clothes were covered in blood still. "Marissa?" he asked me again, sounding a little impatient. "What is going on here? Are you ok?" I sighed, "It's been a bad day." I finally responded. "I can tell." he said, "How did you get blood on you?". He put his hand on my thigh. I knew he was trying to calm me down, or at least trying to get me to talk. I sighed and finally looked up at him. "Oh, damn. What happened? Is this your blood?" he asked me. I began to tell him the events of the afternoon. He took a deep breath, I think it was all he could do to keep calm. I was glad he was managing his emotions because I didn't think I could do it for both of us. It was taking all I had in me to keep from crying. "Well," he finally said when I was done talking, "we need to get you to the hospital, so they can check you out." I looked at him, trying my best to keep a straight face, but I was beginning to feel like I was going to cry again. He took my hand and said "It's gonna be okay.". He had a way of making his voice sound so soothing that I almost believed him. He opened his arms and said, "Come here.". I crawled into his strong arms, sitting on his lap and enveloping myself in him. I started to cry again. He did everything I'm sure he could think of to make me feel better. I felt his hands rubbing up and down my back and heard him whisper "it's okay." repeatedly. When I was able to regain control of my waterworks he tapped me on the shoulder. I pulled away from him and he looked me into my eyes and said, "Let's go and get you checked out okay?". I felt worry physically run through me, and before I could say anything in protest he said "I'll go with you and I promise I'll stay with you the whole time. No matter how long it takes.". I attempted to smile, and he helped me to his car.

The Music Producer and the Teacherحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن