Chapter 15

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"Is it raining outside?" Jinyoung asked and at the same time, turned to look at the outside, where everyone was running to the nearest shelter, due to the sudden rain.

Jinyoung had just finished eating, and they were inside the restaurant.

"What're we going to do?" Jinyoung turned back to Mark and asked him in helplessness.

Mark just shrugged, "We can wait till it stops or run to the car parking."

Neither of them had brought umbrellas, and the car parking was about a five-minute walk away.

"Why only now, this rain!" Jinyoung muttered.

"Finished now?" asked Mark, referring to food.

Jinyoung nodded, and then looked at the watch; it was 6:45pm.

The rain had got only heavier, and gave no sign to stop anytime soon.

"Jinyoung, I think we should run. If we wait, it's going to take a long time."

Mark called the waiter and Jinyoung paid for them.

Then Mark stood up off his chair and went to Jinyoung's side, as the latter got up to his feet, as well.

"A moment," Mark stopped the younger and reached to his coat to remove it, "Take it off."

Jinyoung did as he was told, and Mark took it from him, to cover Jinyoung's head with it.

"It's important not to get sick," said Mark, and he took his off as well to put it on his head.

"Let's go now."

They got out of the restaurant, and each holding his coat over his head, ran along the pavement to the direction of the car parking.

Once they were inside the car parking, under the roof, they removed their coats; but both were soaked already from head to toe.

Jinyoung trembled a little with cold, folding his arms across his chest; and then noticed how both of their bodies were sticked to by the drenched thin shirts.

"You're shaking, Jinyoung. Are you okay to drive? It's a long way to your apartment."

"I'm all right," said Jinyoung, although still shivering.

"My mansion is nearer from here than your place. If you follow me, you can change your clothes before driving back home. I'll give you some clothes that fit you," suggested Mark.

Jinyoung could not deny because that was the suitable advice, and he also needed some warmness before continuing the long way to his apartment.

Even to Mark's mansion, it took longer than expected, due to the traffic congestion and heavy rain.

They stopped the cars in front of the mansion, under the shelter, and hopped out of them.

Mark led the way inside and Jinyoung followed, both of them wetting the carpeted floor.

"Wait here. I'll go grab some clothes."

Jinyoung nodded, and Mark went upstairs to his room.

After a while, Mark was back with the clothes in his hand; but they were pyjamas.

"I-I have to wear them?" asked Jinyoung, stuttering with cold.

"Of course," Mark himself was now in pyjamas and handed the ones in his hand to Jinyoung.

"But these," Jinyoung was hesitated.

"The thing is you should sleep here, instead of going back home. Look at the rain. It'll surely take you more than an hour to go back home. So why not just sleep here?"

"But to sleep here is just a little bit...," Jinyoung could not find the right word.

"Why? You don't want to? I'm not doing anything to you. If you're being afraid of that."

Jinyoung blushed slightly; what was Mark talking about?

"No, not because of that. You might feel inconvenient because of me."

"Yes, you're making me so long as you still don't change your clothes."

Jinyoung then noticed he was taking too much time, just standing here.

"Where's is the bathroom?" asked Jinyoung.

"Go straight along the way, then turn right. It's just before the dining room," Mark said, directing with his hand movements.

When Jinyoung was back to the living-room, in Mark's pyjamas, the latter was sitting on one of the sofas and on the table in front of him were two coffees.

Jinyoung sat down beside Mark, as the sofa was a long one. Mark motioned him to take one coffee.

"Thank you for everything, sir," muttered Jinyoung, taking the coffee and glancing at Mark.

"Do you notice you've been here more than once?" asked Mark. He had never found it desirable to bring someone to his house, at least not more than once.

"Only the second time," said Jinyoung, sipping the coffee and feeling how it made him warm through his whole body.

"You're the second person to be here more than one time, and someone I brought," Mark paused, "Willingly."

Jinyoung did not know how to take that because Mark was talking just casually and matter-of-factly. And no matter how he wanted to reject that but his mind was rotating around Mark's words 'the second person'.

And he was not sure if he wanted to know who the other one was.

"Do you still feel cold? You can sleep in one of the guest rooms."

"No, I'll just sleep here," said Jinyoung, referring to one of the sofas.

"What are you talking about? Do you think I'll let you sleep here? No, sleep upstairs in a room."

"Why? What's wrong with sleeping here? I don't want to trouble you."

"You do by always contradicting me, Jinyoung. You'll not be comfortable here." Mark sighed when Jinyoung made no reply.

"All right, as you desire. I have no idea why you think it would trouble me, by sleeping upstairs."

Mark stood up and went upstairs to bring the pillow and blanket for Jinyoung.

"Are you sleepy?" asked Mark, as soon as he arrived back, with the pillow and the thickest blanket he could find, in his hands.

"No, what about you?" Jinyoung denied and asked, although he was really tired and craving some warmness and sleep. And Mark knew it.

Instead of answering Jinyoung's question, Mark went to the opposite long sofa, and placed the pillow near the armrest and the blanket on it.

"Come here."

Jinyoung did as he was told, without insisting anymore. He lay down on the sofa, which gave enough space for his whole body.

Mark was still beside the sofa and watched Jinyoung as the latter covered himself with the blanket, till his chest.

Mark pulled the blanket till Jinyoung's neck; and the latter looked at him as he did so.

"Why are you so stubborn sometimes?" Mark murmured faintly, and his hand reached to Jinyoung's forehead to feel the temperature.

And his fingers ran through Jinyoung's hair, which was completely dried now; and his thumb caressed Jinyoung's head softly, as if soothing the latter into sleep.

Jinyoung felt nervousness at what Mark was doing; and those eyes, which were set on his, Jinyoung felt he could let himself drown in them for this whole night.

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