Chapter 12

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A week was all it took for Jinyoung to adjust himself to his new position as the secretary. However, more important things were done by Mrs.Young only. At least, he was making a quick process of learning.

"The appointment with Mr. Han is at 4pm, sir. At Green Garden restaurant, room 9 on the third floor," Jinyoung reminded Mark, while the latter was signing the last report after checking it.

"4pm," Mark thought for a moment, after signing, "You'll come along."

That was the first time it would be Jinyoung going with Mark, instead of Mrs. Young, to a place outside the company.

"I see, sir, we might have to leave at about 3. Traffic is bad during the weekdays," said Jinyoung, checking the schedules again, "The schedule is clear after 2pm."

Mark nodded, handing the files of the reports back to Jinyoung.

"You may as well take all your things and car, because we can't say for sure, what time we are going to leave the restaurant," said Mark, when they were preparing to leave for the appointment.

It would be dark when they finished, and there was no possibilty to be back at the company at that time.

When they were on their way, Jinyoung noted that it was the second time he was following Mark somewhere, by his own car.

They halted in front of Green Garden, which was one of the top five restaurants in the whole city. Just at the look of its grand structure, Jinyoung had no doubt left that it was going to be hella expensive and luxurious.

When they got to the appointed room, Mr. Han was already there, even though there were some minutes left until 4pm.

The older man got up as soon as he saw them entering the room; and after the handshakes both with Mark and Jinyoung, they all sat down, Mr. Han on one side and Mark and Jinyoung on the other side.

"Nice to see you again, Mr. Han. We just met two weeks ago. By the way, this is my new secretary, Park Jinyoung," Jinyoung bowed slightly as Mr. Han smiled at him in acknowledgement. "Shall we order food first? And we can discuss while waiting."

"A good idea."

Jinyoung pressed the bell placed on the table to call the waiter.

It was already dark outside when they left the restaurant. Mark looked at the watch; it was 6:50 pm.

"Are you going back home?" asked Mark, when he and Jinyoung were walking to the car parking.

"Yes, straight home." Thanks to Mark, he was now really full and no time would be needed for dinner when he was back at the apartment. Then he could just rest after showering.

"Can you spare some time? Like about an hour?"

"I have nothing special to do at home. If it's important, I can, sir."

"Good. Somewhere to go. I'll lead the way."

Mark did not say where, and Jinyoung did not bother to ask.

Jinyoung halted the car once Mark stopped, after they had been driving for about twenty minutes. He saw Mark getting out of the car, and so did the same.

Nearby there was Banpo Hangang Park, and yet Jinyoung did not think Mark would be going in there.

"Where are we going?" asked Jinyoung, looking around, once he was beside Mark again.

"Here, of course. For what reason else, I'd be stopping here?" said Mark, pointing at the park, alive with the night lights and the strollers.

"What're we going to do there?" Mark looked at him, and Jinyoung shut his lips, afraid that maybe he was too inquisitive at the moment.

"You'll know."

The whole way, Mark led and Jinyoung followed till they were at the bank of the Han River, where they could see the Banpo Bridge in its rainbow fountain under the neon light.

"I just want to relax here," said Mark, as they stood side by side, taking in the view of the bridge. "Shall we go sit there?" Mark pointed at the place in front of them, which was only grass in sight but seemed not a very bad place to sit down.

When they were seated, it felt more ease than just standing.

"It reminds me of my college life," said Jinyoung, gazing at the bridge and at the river below. Mark looked at him and waited for him to continue.


"I used to come here during those years. Sometimes with my friends, but mostly by myself whenever I felt like I needed an escape from my stressful college life."

"For sure, at night?"

"Yes, gazing at the view," Jinyoung turned to Mark, "What about you, sir? I guess you've been here a lot."

"Just a couple of times. I don't even remember when the last time was. Maybe that's why it feels like new to be here again," he turned to Jinyoung, who was watching him as he talked, "Like a special feeling, I can't even name.

Jinyoung faced his front again, taking in the fresh air and his eyes sparkling from the reflection of the neon light from the rainbow fountain.

Mark's eyes settled on Jinyoung and his features, which he must admit looked captivating even after the whole day's work.

"Yes, a special kind of feeling, I feel it, too," said Jinyoung, still looking at the view in front of him, "Who wouldn't anyway when it is like unbelievably beautiful?"

"Yes, really beautiful," said Mark, although his eyes were still on Jinyoung, "I wish I'd have it all for myself."

Jinyoung let out a soft laugh, turning to Mark, "Why would you have it all for yourself?"

"Hmm, I think I'm talking nonsense," said Mark, hearing Jinyoung laughing again at what seemed like a joke to him.

"So you came here to see this? Actually I thought it was something important, but it's worth the time."

In another moment, their eyes were on each other instead, forgetting the sight in front of them. For what reason, their eyes were fixed on each other, Jinyoung did not know, but it felt quite right.

"Ah, fun time." Jinyoung said, looking away and facing the front, although he still felt Mark's eyes on him, which made the situation awkward. "What time shall we leave?"

"After a while."

But that little while was spent in awkwardness, with Mark refusing to take his eyes off Jinyoung, and the latter pretending to appreciate the sight of the fountain, in front of him.

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