Zayn looked at Louis for back-up, but his friend simply shrugged. Why would he even try to defend him?

Thanks to Zayn, Harry hates him. That's not really true. Harry hates him because of himself.

He should've arrived here whilst waving a huge rainbow flag.

Louis looked up at the sky when a raindrop fell on his face. Oh, would you look at that. The weather matched his mood.

''Next time you wanna win an argument, at least prepare some statements, yeah?'' Luke sneered.

''Fine. We'll meet here again next week.'' Joey, one of the boys on Louis' side yelled.

Niall shrugged. ''Fine to me. Only because I'm bored, mate. You'll never win this war. No matter how many reasons you have, there will still be more supporters than haters.''

''You will all go to hell!'' Zayn hissed.

''I sure hope so! If all gay people go to hell, it must be one sick party down there.'' Amanda yelled from behind Niall, her arm wrapped around her girlfriend's waist.

Zayn screamed in frustration before leaving the scene with his group.

Everyone left except for Louis.

He needed to buy roses and chocolates before it started to rain.

Louis bought the prettiest roses and most expensive chocolates as he thought about how to apologise to his boyfriend.

God, he was a terrible boyfriend.

Harry was right. You're supposed to be proud when you're in a relationship. Show of what's yours like it's the greatest price in life.

And Harry really is Louis' greatest price.

He'll show him next week.

Louis ran to Harry's house as it started to rain harder and harder.

Luckily, Louis made it to Harry's house without getting wet.

He knocked on the door and waited patiently until Harry opened. Only... the boy didn't open.

Louis wouldn't let this go, though. He fished the key out of his pocket.

Harry gave it to him about 2 weeks ago in case of emergency. Like Louis' dad finding out about Louis being gay.

''Hazza? Baby are you home?'' Louis yelled, not receiving an answer.

After the 20-year-old had checked all the rooms, he concluded that Harry wasn't home yet.

That gave him the perfect opportunity to light some candles and clean up the living room a bit.

When Harry wasn't home after 1 more hour, Louis started to worry.

He called the boy, but he wouldn't pick up. Left him multiple messages but didn't receive an answer.

Louis started pacing, biting his nails anxiously.

He was about to call Harry again when the front door opened.

Louis sighed in relief when the familiar mob of (wet) curls appeared in front of him.

''Angel! I was worried sick I- Oh my God! What-'' Louis gasped when he saw Harry limping to the couch, blood on his face and nose scrunched up in pain.

''I-I ran into your step-dad.'' The younger fellow choked out, tears dripping down his face.

Louis could feel his blood boil. What was Leo thinking? Hurting his Harry like this.''

''He-he told me to stay away from you and to-t-to to die. But that's okay, cause apparently, my own boyfriend thinks that too.'' Harry spat, wiping his chin with his bloodied sleeve.

''Hazza... that was months ago. If not years.'' Louis sighed, sitting down next to a drenched Harry.

His boyfriend huffed and shook his head. ''But you stood on their side today?''

''You can't fucking force me to come out, Harry.'' Louis snapped, eyes angry.

Harry cringed and glared back.

''I'm not asking you to! I don't care if you want to keep us a secret until we're grey and old! But you were literally demonstrating to yourself! You could've just stayed away!''

''That would have been suspicious! I would never skip this demonstration, Zayn knows that.'' Louis shot back.

Harry rolled his eyes. ''Of course, Louis. Just allow Zayn and Leo to abuse me because you're too much of a pussy to come out. To be yourself! Being with me?''

''Don't make this such a big thing, Harry! I don't want to lose all the friends I've ever had only because you are my boyfriend!'' The other lad yelled in distress.

Harry sniffled and shook his head, smiling fakely at Louis.

''Y-You're right. 'M just over-reacting. My bad.'' He choked out after a sob cut through the air.

Louis' heart shattered when he saw his boyfriend so sad and disappointed.

''L-Let's just h-have a nice movie night and forget about today, yeah?'' He sobbed, standing up and wiping his hands against his wet trousers.

Louis stood up and rushed after Harry when the boy nearly printed away.

He only caught Harry by the arm when he slipped into the bathroom.

''Harry, no.'' Louis whispered.

Harry's tears fell faster when Louis pulled him closer.

''I'm sorry, angel. I'm so sorry for being such an idiot today. I'll give up anything for you. I-I'm just so scared.'' Louis muttered.

Harry dropped his head on Louis' shoulder and cried quietly, breaking the elder's heart even more.

''C'mon sweets, let's clean you up first. I'll kill Leo next time I see him, I swear. Fucking dickhead.'' Louis muttered, wetting a towel and gently starting to wipe the blood off of Harry's youthful face.

Harry blinked up at Louis and leaned into his soft touches and gentle kisses. Louis sighed and pouted at the ugly bruises forming on Harry's face.

He leaned down to slowly press his lips against Harry's. He helped the boy to reach his height by lifting him up and placing him on the sink, fitting between his legs to be closer to him.

''I love you, Hazza. I'm so sorry.'' He whimpered, pulling Harry back into a tight, meaningful hug.

''Please don't do this again, Lou. It hurt me so bad...'' He sobbed, wet clothes soaking Louis'.

''I won't, angel. I promise.''

And that was the first promise Louis would never break.

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