You: "But—But—Blue? I want to post the story! I'm really proud of this chapter!"

Me: "Nope. Sorry. You can't do that yet."

You: "Why?"

Me: "Well, do you have plans for the next chapter?...Or the chapter after that?"

You: " But I finished this first chapter and I really like it! I want to see if other people will like it too!"

Ok, I'm done with this weird convo. Lol.

Let me tell you why you shouldn't post the first chapter when you have no other plans.

I have countless stories (I've had hundreds of story ideas, ya'll) that I wrote a lot of in the beginning, or the first chapter, and then I didn't know how to continue it after that.

See, if you post the first chapter and get a few people to read it, but don't know how to continue it, then what was the point of posting it?

Now you're just going to have this one chapter that stares at you and makes puppy dog eyes and says, "Finish me! Please!"

If you write a first chapter that you're really proud of, that's awesome. I have quite a few that I think are awesome first chapters, but right now I can't post them because I either don't have ideas for the next chapter or I'm just not inspired at the moment.

Now, I'm not saying that you have to plan out the entire story. I rarely do that when I write the first chapter. But let's say you have an idea for the second chapter and the third chapter, so you start writing those and then along the way, you get the idea for the fourth chapter and the fifth chapter. Then when you begin writing those, you get the idea for sixth and seventh. And on and on and on.

So, just as a basic rule, I think you should have ideas for the first three chapters before you decide to post anything.

And I'm sorry, but if I see any of you say in your stories "I don't know what to write next, so let me know if you have any ideas of what you want to happen!" I will personally come and find you don't want to know what will happen after that.

I'm serious.

A story has to be your story. Unless you have a cowriter or something. Or maybe ask some close friends for their opinions on your story.

If you're just asking strangers what to write next, what was the point at all?

This is a personal pet peeve of mine. I'm sorry if I offended you at all.

But all those stories that I've seen people write that on have like one or two chapters. I don't see how that is a sustainable system. Are you just going to ask for advice the entire time?

If I did something like that, I would have no passion for the story whatsoever. Because it wouldn't be mine.

I mean I've had tons of people tell me you should do this or you should do that.

No. I'm sorry. I'm not going to do what you say. This is my story and I want to be passionate about it and proud of it, therefore I'm going to make what I want to happen, happen.

I mean this is just a small example, but I have had countless people tell me to stop using "pussy" in a boyxboy story.

These are my stories. I want to be happy with them. I write something that I want to read. Pussy isn't a very common thing in books, but it is my absolute favorite kink. So you better believe I'm putting it in the majority of my stories.

Plus, I don't know if any of you watch porn, but when everyone was acting shocked about Elijah calling Danny's hole a pussy, I was guys are watching the wrong kind of porn *shakes head*

Rambles in Blue JeepsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin