Chapter 2

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It was the next day that I found myself searching for Tate. I had spent more time in the basement than usual and saw that it was around noon. I took a seat on the couch and pondered where he could be. Then, it hit me. He's probably at school. That starts around this time, doesn't it? I remember going to school. It felt like literal hell. Hardly anyone would talk to me and those that did were always mean to me. For some time, I did feel like I had a friend there. Someone that I could truly confide in and know that they would always be there for me. My last partner was amazing up until the point they were pushed into turning on me as well. That was the harshest blow of all. I looked down in sadness but the sound of the front door opening pricked my ears. I quickly looked up and saw Tate walking in. He was slumped over and almost stomping his feet. I could feel the anger boiling inside him. It was quite alarming.

"Tate, are you okay?" He tensed up as he turned around to look at me.

"No, I'm not." He spoke in a loud tone that made me flinch slightly. In all the time that I've been watching him, I never saw him this upset. I gently grab his hand in an attempt to lead him to the living area.

He snatched it back up quickly and took on the offense. "What are you even doing here anyway? Go away!" He shouted at me and I felt I was on the verge of tears but I once again reached for his hand. I gently surrounded his hand with both of mine and look up at him. I could see the tears building up in his eyes. He didn't let go this time.

I led him to the couch and ushered him to sit down as I did the same.

"What happened?" Worry fills me as I look at him. He's shaking and I could see a tear slowly drip down his cheek.

"They're just so awful! I hate them all!" His anger was more than apparent as he yelled this at me. More tears started to stream down as I gently pulled his head towards my chest and let my chin rest on his head.

"It'll be okay. Everything will be okay. I'm here for you," I slowly trailed off as I gently caressed his head.

He began calming down with this action.

Once the shaking had stopped, he pulled away from me and sat up. A soft thank you escaped his lips before he turned away from me.

"I'll always be here for you." I rest my hand on his shoulder and he turned to face me once again with a small sad smile. I could tell that he's been through quite a mess. I may never know what happened, but I'm glad he felt better in that moment. I felt a strong urge to protect him. Maybe that's when I first knew I wanted to be more than just friends with him.

Things only got better from that point on. Everyday I would greet him from the couch and he would come sit with me. We would laugh together and sometimes we would cry together when things got too tough. And I was happy. Truly happy. I found my place with him. And I made sure to tell him everyday how happy he made me. He'd always return with a smile and nod with caring eyes. He would then rough up my hair and tell me to stop being so sappy. Things were good. 

Tate Langdon x Dead!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now