2. The Grim Reaper

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I always see him, looming
around her bed. Shaking
my head, I try to ignore
his scythe shimmering like
silver lead.

Is it odd to see him staring
at me in broad daylight?
It's been happening so
often that I don't even get a

He just stares me down,
I glance down but look up
again I realise he is not
looking at me, he was
staring at grandmother.
I wonder why I wasn't anyone

He follows me around yet
I'm not the one he's after.
He looks sad, I thought I
would hearing some sort
of maniacal laughter.

The grim reaper suddenly
smiles at me. His scythe
dripping with blood and I
can't help but to wonder
which one of us is to bleed?

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