What Are Little Girls Made Of?

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"I do wanna learn. Where do we start?" Gwen asks, standing up.

"Stop living this humdrum life, come home with me and join the real party," Verdona said, doing her absolute best to make her offer sound very persuasive.

"L-leave? This is all so. . . Wow. This is too huge. " Gwen said, she then turned to her parents.

"Mom? Dad? What do I do?" She asked.

"I don't know. It's an opportunity I never had." Frank said as he stood up.

"We always hoped that you would take after /my/ side of the family, but. . ." Natalie began, glaring at Verdona. "We want you to be happy." She finished.

"We won't stand in your way Gwen," Frank added, which earned a mean look from Kevin.

"You won't?" Gwen said.

"Then it's settled! Come on sweetie!" Verdona cheerfully said, to which Gwen replied with running off upstairs as this was too overwhelming for her.

"Let me." Ben said, him and Kevin immediately running after her.

"Hmm... Such a serious girl." Verdona remarked, which earned her an angry glare from Natalie.

On the roof. . .

"You would go on the roof. Some of us can't fly, you know." Kevin said as he and Ben arrived on the roof.

"Dude. Be supportive." Ben said.

"This is /not/ how I expected my day to go." Gwen said.

"Still, it's pretty to find out what your powers are, right?" Ben started. "Grandma can teach you all that stuff she can do." He finished.

"I'd be gone for a long time, I guess." Gwen replied.

"Maybe forever." Kevin added.

"I've always felt like an outsider, like, I'm in the wrong place. But then I think: oh, that's high school for you." She said.

"We'll miss you if you go." Ben replied, looking off to the side in somewhat sadness.

"Really?" Gwen asked, touched by his revelation.

"Sure, but we've been recruiting more and more Plumber Kids so we'd still have a pretty powerful team."

"Oh. . ." Gwen replied in somewhat sadness.

"When I was trying to decide whether to use my powers again, you told me it was my choice. That's all I'm saying." He said. "Anyway, maybe you owe it to yourself to try turning into a cosmic mana master." He finished.

"Maybe." Gwen replied.

"It's a once in a lifetime opportunity." Ben added.

"Kevin. Do you feel the same way?" Gwen asked, now facing him.

"No. Why would you even think about it?! I want you around! The whole thing's lame!" He replied, which earned him a kiss on the cheek from Gwen, who was now leaving to go back downstairs.

"Lame. LAME. LAME!" He called out.

Back downstairs. . .

Verdona would be dancing to her and Max's favourite band; Shag Carpeting.

"Shag Carpeting. They were Max's favourite. Why do the most backward creatures make the best music?" She said.

"Don't you /ever/ complain about my Aunt Joyce again." Natalie said to her husband.

"Cheer up junior. You didn't have "the Spark", there was nothing I could teach you." Verdona said to her son.

"You taught me a lot Mom. You and Dad both." Frank replied.

"You know what I mean. I even came back when the grandkids were born just in case your baby had "the Spark", but nothing to it. Carl's boy? Same thing." Verdona said.

"Mom. If you can give Gwen an opportunity that we can't. . . We won't hold her back."

"Alright, Grandma. I've decided I'm ready to learn the ways of the Anodites." Gwen said as she came back downstairs.

Natalie, Frank, Ben, and especially Kevin were all shocked.

Verdona was elated with joy.
"I knew you'd give in kiddo!" She replied.

Kevin wanted so bad to scream and say 'don't leave me!' but he kept his composure.

"Can we go now? I'm eager to learn how to do all that stuff you can do!" Gwen said.

Verdona nodded, teleporting herself and Gwen back to Anodyne.

Natalie cried profusely, Frank attempted to comfort her to no avail, Kevin was God knows where.

Ben? He was just trying to comprehend what just happened.

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