She yanked the barrel deeper. I was choking, coughing over the smell of the metal, burning metal. My eyes turned red, I was asphyxiating. With plans of humping all night, she pulled my pants down and whispered. "Are you ready for round two?"

Some days you wake up every morning to find you are alive, hoping to die anytime, quietly, anonymously. That's when you start to descent into madness. You make your choice, enjoy a life of criticism. But one day you choose to do something different, something taboo, and something worth doing.

Next morning I found a diary kept beside the alarm clock. It looked ancient covered in sheepskin. Mr Han was out overlooking the work in the factory. The diary had details about the factory, from its initiation in the 16th century till now. Turns out they were some sort of secret society. Why secret? They were demon hunters working against the government. And that makes it illegal. The candle factory was a mask, a cover under which they concealed their truth of witchcraft and demonology. Now it made sense, the blind workers, the security and everything else.

Travis was sitting beside me, on the rocking chair. A cigarette in his hand, thin smoke pouring out of his nostrils. He didn't look happy, he never looked happy. His hat on his head, the black cowboy he was. A cigar in his mouth and he would have become Indiana Jones. He looked at me with the feeling of sadness and frustration.

"They got you family." He said with dead cold tone.

"What the fuck are you saying?" I yelled.

"Red and his men, they've got your family." He said sitting there, calm and cool like a devil. "We got to go before they come for you."

When you think there's nothing that can surprise you, you always miss the most dreadful. I was on my knees because I was responsible, because it was not about who killed them, it was why they were murdered. My heart pumping out of my shirt.

"It wasn't your family anyways." He said.

"If you don't shut up now, I can see 9 things that can kill you without any blood loss." I clenched my teeth.

"Well in that case." He pulled his gun out, a silvery revolver, beautifully crafted. "I've got this, it's a magnum." He pulled me up. "And you'll die of severe blood loss."

"Shoot me."

"I want to but I can't." he said. "Your life means a lot to the world."

"I don't want to save anyone." I said chewing each word. "I just want to see... the world burn."

"You will, I promise," He said offering me the gun. "Now get the fuck up boy, you're not safe here."

"Actually you are not safe anywhere." Mr Han entered the room, a newspaper in his hand. "The cops wants you too."


"Red has got his reason now." Travis said. "He'll come with force."

"Red was a fucking professor."

"He's a demon. And a man of strong grip in the government" Mr Han said sitting down near me, his hand on my shoulder. "We need to move, things are happening faster than we expected."

Mr Han had thin lips, he was painfully skinny. His hair combed back, sticking to his scalp. He was wearing the tuxedo from last night. It wasn't black but blue-green velvet which looked black under shadows. Mr Han was an insensible cunt, just like me. Everyone here was an insensible cunt, the only thing we had in common, all of us.

Travis looked like what Mike Tyson would have looked if he would have failed to defend punches that landed on the most attractive parts of his face, was he attractive anyways? A punch on the left eye, bam it looks like that of Travis, another good one on the nose poof! It's arched just like that of Travis. Basically Travis was fucked up Mike Tyson who turned out to be a demon hunter. No one becomes demon hunter for fun, they don't even offer a great package. Travis had his brother, his only family, killed in a brawl, a drug deal gone wrong. He saw it, it was a demon who did the job. Tearing his brother's bare belly, pulling out the insides. It, then, proceeded to slash his head away. Travis was under influence of drugs. He somehow saved his ass but the cops didn't believe him. No one did. No one will.

"You said something about my family, Travis." I asked. "What is it?"

"Isn't it too much of a shock already." He grinned.

"Not yet." I replied.

He looked at Mr Han. Mr Han took a deep breathe. He looked at me, his eyes narrowed.

"It's not the time Black." He said. "Not now."

Out of the only window that I had in the room, the only guard who was visible from the window, Travis saw him suddenly fall down. Like he suddenly felt weak in the knee and dropped dead. Through the same window Travis saw a company of men in armour entering the facility. A multi terrain vehicle followed them.

"What are you looking at?" Mr Han asked. "What is it?"

"Red..." He said in a trembling voice. "This can't happen, it's just not possible."

"We need to leave now." Mr Han said in a rush. "Call the girl up and collect the workers."

"I want to know about my family." I asked again.

"If we survive this, I'll tell you." Travis said. "Now move your ass."

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