Part 43; Spare No One

Start from the beginning

Peter and I exchange amused looks before making our way to the roof of the building, Tony and I via flying and him via swinging. The three of us landing in sync is almost perfect, resembling the scenes in movies that seem unrealistic.

"Hey, suit lady, where is the most... inconspicuous entrance to this warehouse?" I ask aloud.

"Searching routes... this will only take a few seconds," she responds. Which pronoun should I be using for a robot? "Entrance located. To your right, you can see a ladder. That is the entrance that you are least likely to be caught. I will direct you from there for any suspicious persons in there."

This is very convenient.

"Over there," I gesture towards the ladder with a nod of my head.

Tony is already in the air, revving to go, "let's go drink some bloody marys!"

"That is probably the most craziest thing anyone has ever said to me," Peter marvels, clearly astounded by the fact that Tony Stark is talking about sharing an alcoholic beverage with him, even if it is only metaphorically.

"You're underage kid, sorry," Tony apologizes while pausing mid-air. "But I do believe that Raven would be able to share one with me."

A smirk grows on my face rapidly. After so many years of hatred, we're able to crack a joke with one another and even tease Peter together a little. He looks between the both of us as if watching a tennis game, his jaw wide open in shock. Tony flies towards the ladder and I hoist myself off of the ground to follow him, leaving Peter to run.

"Hey, come on, guys. Let's talk about this! We're a team, no man should be left behind!" he calls out after us.

We land slowly as he continues to huff and puff his way towards us. "You're not a man yet, Pete," I give him a wink before cascading down the ladder first.

He sighs behind me and follows down after me instantly, no comebacks present.

"Suit lady, are you aware of what Mary Pinell looks like?" I ask aloud quietly, leading the two further into the building.

"I can obtain a visual if you like," she answers.

"One on Cameron Garcia too, please."

The suit displays an x-ray through the walls, showing the guards and the rooms everywhere. "100% match for both Mary Pinell and Cameron Garcia. Would you like me to direct you to them?"

"Yes, please."

"I feel like I'm not doing anything," Peter declares from behind me.

"You can be moral support, kid," Tony retorts.

He moans, sounding as if he is about to throw a tantrum, "I want to do something."

"Just..." I pinch the bridge of my nose and sigh. "You can look out for any guards or something."

"Okay!" his mood seems to light up instantly.

He mutters something to his suit as my eyes shut slowly. Any anger I'd ever felt at anyone all seems to be directed at Phil now. It's his fault that we're even in this predicament.

"I'm going to kill him," I whisper to myself.

"Who? Peter?" Tony's voice appears next to me.

The corners of my mouth tilt upwards. "No, never. Peter is an untouchable," I tell him. "I was talking about Phil."

"You shouldn't kill him. No matter how much bad he's done. Don't kill him. Trust me, the regret you'll feel after will be tremendous."

His hand seems to be in front of me when my eyes snap open, his fingers open. My instant thought is that there may be a weapon of some sort. It seems I was right. I give him a look before snatching the device out of his hand.

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