3. World of pain

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tempter is the male version of temptress
Lao Chu walks in between chang cheng legs, he deliberately slides his hands up over chang cheng inner thigh right onto his hips. His thumbs caressed the skin that is exposed, sweeping it back and forth softy but seductively. He slowly but steadily pulls chang cheng to the edge of the desk. He is like a predator watching its prey. He saw a light dusting of pink spread cross chang cheng cheeks as he felt their zipper brush against each other. He watches as chang cheng licks his lips and his Adam apple bob as he swallows went he felt their zipper bump against each other.

He loves a frustrated chang cheng. That makes guo chang cheng extra delicious. When chang cheng is all red and squirmy. When he is like that, he just wants to gobble him up.

Chang cheng face is redder than a tomato, redder than hawthorn. He is unable to meet Chu Ge intense gaze. He looks away, shyly and bashfully.

Ever since they started dating, he always has to stop lao chu from pulling him into a closet or any secluded areas in SID. That has to tell him to behave because they are at work. This time he literally pulls him until their zipper brush against each other. While they are in the bullpen, in front of all their coworkers.

"We are at work, behave yourself." He chastised.

"I am behaving myself." Lao Chu smirked.

Xiao Guo looks down at where Lao Chu and he is touching. He looks up and raises an eyebrow.


Lao Chu backs up a bit from him. But still within touching distance. Even what he did is lewd. It is still tame compared to what the entire SID has accidentally witnessed. No thanks to their brazen Chief Zhao.

This is his first relationship, and at times he is very timid at the thought of instigating anything. He pushes che ge away from him and headed for the kitchen.

He overhears what Chu Ge muttering here I was having fun teasing him. He remembers what Lao Zhao tells him. It never hurt to return the favor when the timing is right. So he likes to tease me. He notices his shoelace has come loose. A smirk blossom onto his innocent face. He is going to provide Chu Ge a taste of his own medicine.

Chang cheng knee down to tie his shoelaces. When he heard the sudden intake of breath coming from his boyfriend. He can feel his sweater slide off, exposing one of his shoulders. He always finds his new sweater annoying. It still slides off at the smallest movement. He also remembers chu ge say royal blue look beautiful on him. It makes his skin glow. The sweater went from being an annoyance to a weapon of seduction.

His hand slowly slide away from his ankle. He hears a choking sound coming from his boyfriend. He grabs the water from the table and catwalk his way to Chu Ge. When Chu Ge took the cup from him, he demurely lower eyes at the same time he looks at his boyfriend though his eyelashes. He gives a coy but seductive smile.

"You look thirsty."

"I am not thirsty,"

"Are you sure, chu ge."


Lao Chu is at a loss what the fuck just happened. He doesn't know what got into chang cheng. One minute he is like the good old chengcheng all shy and easily tease. In a blink of an eye, there is tempter in front of him. He was right. The royal blue makes his chengcheng skin glow beautifully. He is also cursing internally went he notice the oversized sweater glide off his shoulder went he bend down to tie his shoe. His hands itch to caress the exposed shoulder. When he saw cheng chang slide his hand crosses his exposed ankle, his throat has become a desert.

He swallows his tongue when he saw how chang cheng walks toward him. He felt like a bullet train has hit went his boyfriend gives him that look. He was in a daze and nearly drop the damn cup went he see that smile. He felt the caress to his finger, feather-like and fleeting.

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