New Friend | | Child! Kid x Child! Reader

Start from the beginning

The other two boys closes in on the boy with their fists and were going to hit the boy. Seeing that this was far enough, Killer hands me his food and quickly grabs both boy's fists. The three of them looks at Killer with irritation, while the red haired boy stared at him cautiously.

"Let go of us!" one of the boys shouted.

"No." Killer said calmly. "You guys are going too far."

While Killer was busy subduing the two boys, the one who was holding onto the toy robot lifted his leg to kick Killer. I frowned at his dirty plays and hastily made my way there. Once I got closer to the boy, I hooked my ankle onto his and pulled back, causing the boy to fall on his face and let go of the toy in the process. The boy then lifted his head to see who had tripped him and his face turned into a scowl as he met my gaze.

"You stupid girl!" he growled. "Don't think you're better than me just because you caught me off guard!"

"Pfft-Haha! I literally ran at you! That was a lot of noise!" I said laughing loudly. "If you call that off guard, your hearing must be bad!"

"Shut up!" he shouted in embarrassment.

The boy then stood up and tried to charge at me as I laughed, but I took a step to the side last second and kicked him on the back, sending him face down into the ground again.

"Stop it! I'm holding food!" I frowned. "It's precious."

"How dare you try to attempt to attack (Y/n)..." Killer growled lowly as he sauntered over, cracking his knuckles.

"Hm? You finished the other two already?" I asked as I looked back to see them beaten up pretty badly. "That was quick."

The last boy looked over at his two friends wide eyed and quickly looked back at Killer with fear. As Killer was taking care of him, I walked over to the red haired boy who was staring at Killer in awe. The boy then took notice of my presence and held his toy robot closer to his body. I give him a soft giggle which caused the boy to blush slightly at me as he slightly dropped his guard.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah..." he mumbled. "Thank you..."

"That's a cool looking robot." I said, trying to lift his spirits. "You built it, right?"

"Yeah, I did." he said with a slight smile.

At that moment, the boy's stomach began to growl and he blushed in embarrassment. I give out another laugh before shoving my food towards him to give him a sign that he could have it. The boy stared at me with confusion, but my smile remained.

"Eat it, you're hungry, right?"

"But its your's..." he mumbled.

"You don't have to act so shy around me." I said happily. "Besides, I can just eat when I go home."

The red haired boy hummed to himself unsure, but slowly took the food from my hand and began eating it. Killer finally returns from beating up the last boy and smiles softly to the younger boy eating before us. He even offered his food to the boy as well, which he happily accepted. The three of us leaves the ally way and onto the busy street together.

"By the way, my name is Killer and this is (Y/n). What's your name?" Killer asked.

"Kid." he replied. "Thanks for helping me earlier."

"No problem." Killer said. "Want to hang out with us?"

"Ooo! Play with us!" I said gleefully. "It'll be fun!"

"Can we play pirates?" he asked bashfully. "I usually play it by myself since I have no friends, so it would be fun to have others play that with me."

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