Chapter 5: Fall•ing

Start from the beginning

Zayn blinked at him for a moment before quickly looking away " 'm fine."

"You sure?" Liam questioned not exactly believing the anxious looking boy.

"Yeah" Zayn kept his eyes on a wall behind Niall admiring some distorted chart he couldn't read nor exactly see thanks to his poor vision.

Following his gaze Liam turned his head to look at the same uninteresting chart. He then frowned in confusion while turning back to Zayn "Can you look at me, please?"

'No I can't because if I do I'll blush like a fucking fool' Zayn wanted to say but instead he casually reached for his cup of water and put it to his lips as he forced his eyes to shift back down to the worried boy infront of him.

Liam sighed with a light pleased smile as Zayn obeyed him "Now tell me, are you sure your okay?"

The raven haired boy tipped his cup back into his mouth letting the water fill up his parched mouth, using his movements as a way to keep himself from blushing. His stomach was already doing a number of crazy summersaults from the way Liam's mocha orbs bored into his. "Mhm" he answered in between a gulp.

It still wasn't clear to Liam. His actions hid much of his expressions which was hard for him to read.

Liam knew by now that Zayn was notorious for his random mood swings even though he wouldn't admit which made Liam annoyed a bit because he wanted to know. He wanted to know how Zayn felt everyday and why he felt that way. Perhaps it was that little something Zayn held deep within his golden alluring orbs, that something he swore to figure out sometime soon. He accepted that at this point it was too soon. He figured he'd have to ease Zayn into telling him. That would take a lot of time and patience, lucky for him, Liam was a very patient man but he was also very curious.

"If you say so"


Malik dreaded the last hour of breakfast, his time with Liam was approaching fast and that dream! That god damn dream was like a ghost haunting his mind, making him feel more and more nauseous to the point that he couldn't even look at the food in front of him without internally gagging.

It was bad enough Liam was catching onto his odd behavior. Honestly he feared he'd give everything away the second the two exit the crowded cafeteria and then if he was unlucky he'd a have a whole audience watching him an-'No, Zayn calm down. It will be okay!' He took a deep replenishing breath and let it out slowly clearing his wild mind. He was overthinking and the more he'd overthink the more likely his worst fear would become a reality. That was how anxiety worked, he'd learn from his past experiences.

Calm, he needed to stay calm.

After that last long hour Tomlinson dismissed the recruits and allowed them return to their bunks or go wherever they desired for their routined half hour of free-time.

"Have fun with your lover boy." Harry teasingly whispered into Zayn's ear before leaving the table with Horan and his young bunkmate at his sides.

Zayn rolled his eyes and let out an exaggerated breath.

He then turned around to his other side and scooted off the metal bench to join Liam who was already standing above him with a big freaky grin.

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