Blind to The Eye

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This is a story about a regular girl and her friends but  you don't know what's haunting them to death 💀. Read under one caution NEVER BE BLIND TO THE EYE 😶.
There was a girl named ally she and her friends loved being bad. One day the saw a old house they wanted to go in even though they were not so posed to. They broke down the wood door and went in it was dark. One friend brought a flashlight they turned it on and they kept exploring there flashlight turned off. When they were in a bedroom they heard the closet door open they turned around a girl in a white dress with black hair covering her face creeped out they couldn't see her in fact they were BLIND TO THE EYE. She made her self visible to them she was on the ceiling they saw her face they froze in terror her face was white with stitches on her mouth and no eyes she ripped out there eyes and stitched them with black thread and ripped there mouths off they bled to death now no one goes in that house ever again only if a girl didn't do it 9 years ago...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2018 ⏰

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