The voices

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It was hot sunny day July 9th when mamma told me to pack up for our  trip in a old Town called Chesterfield.


Soon i finished packing   i seen momma in the font yard with her bags and suitcase as we got in the car i put my window down i can feel the hot sticky air breeze  in my face as we drove we enter the old town  seem to be so peaceful not much people around many shops in place but not one sign of a pet to be seen .

As we drove up a big hill and i soon look to be out of no were a big tall gates around  the big black  house in look old and tall grasses that needed to be cut down and a pond .

As got out of the car momma given me the key to the house and told me to pick any room as we got down our bags and suitcases i see crows on top of the house and looking towards my left i see a big tall trees and a some what look like a forest  looking dark .

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