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What you will do:

You will have your individual book in the future. And the basic point to the "Researchers" (If ya'll can find a better CATCHIER name for you guys I am all ears.) is that people lack information at times, it might be because it has never happened to them or they don't know where they look. And when someone doesn't know how to write something accurately, of course they will be put off of writing it.

This is where you will come in. People will come to you with questions and your job is to answer them. How you do it is up to you, unless it becomes a frequently asked question because then we will ask you to allow us to post your answer. Think of it as our FAQ with a little extra mixed it.

How you will do it:

I will make a scenario...

What kind of dogs originated from mexico?

Of course a chihuahua came from mexico, a whole state was named after them. Or maybe they were named after the state, makes you think back to what came first huh? The chicken or the egg>.<

Lmao honestly,,, do not take this seriously because I just made this all up:) but you guys get the point I hope>.<

And my response was meant to be funny... if someone asked I would look for all the dogs that originated from mexico:)

So if you want your response to be added to the book, PM it to us and we will take care of it:)

DId I make this clear enough? Put any Questions you might have below:D


People who have applied:

1. Feonix- He is good at weapons, military, and terminology.

2. Portal1- Knowledgeable about fantasy, historical fiction, sci-fi, and horror.

3. CarolinaC- History, particularly the classical Mediterranean and practical applications of physics. 4. Parahunter_Mathgeek- Loves to research.

5. Spot is open.

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