Bye bye London Sweetheart.

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It's a cold and humid Tuesday afternoon when Cindy gets dumped. She'd checked her weather app earlier, Cindy could feel her hair getting wet from the current drizzle. Left alone at the bus stop, her umbrella fallen at her feet. Harry Charming, Captain of the Debate Team, Quarterback of the Football team and her boyfriend of 8 months, had just dumped her after cheating on her with another girl from her class. Four days before her birthday. And less than a week before she was leaving for America.

Cinderella Glasscowe was born in New York City on one of her parents' business trips. From a French father, a mother who'd died in childbirth was raised in England all of her life. Moving from her home of Maidstone in Kent, UK, to London when she was 6, after her father's sudden death. Her legal guardian became her stepmother until the age of twelve when she decided to leave and stay with her Godmother Faye. Cindy lives in England until her 16th birthday, where she and her godmother Faye decide to move back to the big apple that is New York. This story starts a week before the plane ride to New York City.

> East London, Barrington Private Secondary School, 17:23. The 89 bus going through her neighbourhood approaches further in on the street. Suddenly, sound and view come back to her. Cindy picks up the navy-coloured umbrella at her feet, starting to puddle around her. She wraps it as her bus comes close to the stop. Cindy fumbled through her coat pocket to grab her bus pass. As she got on the bus, she gave the driver a squinched ''Hello..'' to be polite. Cindy walked herself to the back of the bus and sat do by the window, letting her leather messenger fall at her side with her dripping umbrella. Expressionless and shocked. She takes out her phone and puts her pass back into her wallet.

4 missed calls
8 text messages
7 other notifications

Cindy doesn't bother to even look at them. She pulls out her headset and puts on a comforting playlist, a tune begins with the strums of a guitar,
''Photograph'' by Ed Sheeran plays softly, she leans her head back on the wall of the bus, allowing herself to wallow into the thought and acceptance of what just happened...

« Loving can hurt, lovin' can hurt sometimes... But it is the only thing that I know, know... »

The music goes on, Cindy doesn't notice when the tears start flowing, but they do and they bring down her eyeliner with them down her cheeks.

After the 20 minutes ride to her street, Cindy gets off, with a blank face, unable to cry anymore. She listened to whatever tune was on next and skipped the happy songs for classical ones. The short walk to the flat she shared with Faye felt Much more tiring than usual. The drizzle outside was now rope-like rain. No matter what she does, she simply can't seem to cry it out. As she walked the flights of stairs, she opened her phone and gets her keys, She unlocks it, and a photo of her and Harry faces her, then it hit her.
Cindy just got dumped by the boy she fell in love with 14 months ago; she unlocked the door with a pumpkin-shaped key. When she opened the door, Faye is there, pacing around the room nervously. When she heard the door open, she whipped her head around and jumped at Cindy.
-Oh, my god!? Cinderella, where have you been?? I called you four times and left you- I don't know, I don't know how many text messages!
Cindy looked at her feet, seemingly not hearing nor listening to what was happening around her.
-Gods! You're soaking wet, your mascara is smudged, whatever happened to you? Are you alright?
Faye puts her hands on Cindy's shoulder, inspecting the girl's face and eyes. She finally looks up and drops her things on the ground around her.
-Harry... Cheated on me. She said slowly with a heavy expression.
At first, Faye is shocked, but she realizes what this means in less than a second. And anger washes over her.
-He did what? Tears start to break in her eyes, in a choked voice, Cindy repeats:
-Harry left me. For a girl who wasn't leaving the damn country. He admitted to

Faye can barely believe how Harry, the nicest boy from her school, could have done such an awful thing to her. Despite being soaking wet from the rain, Cindy fell into her arms, and the tears finally started to fall, as if the dam had been overflown. She cried in Faye's arms for a while, but they moved to the couch in the flat's living room. Still weeping, Cindy only said a few things about how Charming had left her."It's not you, it's me." "I can't live being with you, leaving for another country." Why do you even have to leave?" "Am I not good enough for you?"I never really loved you." "I've been looking at someone else for some time now."At least 'She' isn't leaving me for another damn country."It's over." After some time, Cindy fell asleep on the couch; Faye covered her in a blanket and took off the girl's shoes. Morning would come, the rain might even stop, but Cindy was from now on missing a piece of her 15-year-old heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2022 ⏰

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