"Lets go Philip" Auska said with glee


We headed out the door and down the elevator. we started walking then Auska started talking.

"Hey Philip"

"Yes Auska"

"What would you do if I was to die on an Eva?"

"I would basically go into a mental breakdown. why do you ask?"

"I just have a feeling something is gonna happen"

"Don't worry you won't die while I'm around" I confidently said with a smirk on my face.

She smiled back at me and we started walking faster. once we got to the school I went straight to the classroom. I went in and sat down I then remembered I forgot to pack lunch.

"She's gonna rip into me" I mumbled to myself

"Who's gonna rip into you" a voice said from behind me

I slowly turned around to find out that she was standing right behind me

H-h-hi Auska" I stuttered "how are you"

Her eyes looked furious I think she found out that I forgot to pack lunch.


"Look at those newly-weds" a voice said


Our faces must have blushed because everybody started laughing. my head fell onto the desk.

"What happened to your hands Philip?" Rana asked

"Oh hi Rana, oh these yea this happened when I was in the Eva."

"Every time you get in that Eva you hurt yourself that's not good"

"Ill get used to it"

She then walked off to her desk and sat down. my hands what did I do to them I thought

~time skip, 6 hours~

The bell had just rang to go home.

"Thank god" Auska said "it felt like I was about to die"

We headed home and I didn't talk a word because I was concentrated on something else.

"Hey Auska"


"I need to go out to grab something so ill be home a bit later ok"

"Ok bye"

"See ya"

Auska's POV

I opened the apartment door and went into the kitchen

"Well I guess I should cook something up for him"

I went to the fridge and grabbed everything that I need to make what I want to.

"Nearly done" I said with glee

I looked at my hands, I cut myself about 6 times on the fingers but I think it was worth it.

"Auska I'm home" Philip said as he walked in the door

"I'm in the kitchen"

He walked in and noticed I cooked dinner. he didn't know what to say he was amazed.

"You cooked all this"

"Yep" I replied popping the 'p'

"You're amazing"

He ran up to me and gave me a hug

"Thank you very much" he whispered into my ear.

He let go of me and helped me set it up on the table

"Tuck in" I said

Philip basically dived in it looked like he hasn't had a meal in ages

"Thank you so much again Auska" he said

"It was nothing"

Philip's POV

"Oh I got something for you while I was out this is for me forgetting the lunch."

I pulled out a box and gave it to Auska. she opened it and was amazed. she couldn't believe what she saw.

"You didn't have to get me something so expensive"

"It suits your lifestyle"

She got up and hugged me so hard I was having trouble breathing. she let go of me and asked me something.

"What carrot is it?"

"It's diamond 3/4 carrot"

She gasped and couldn't believe it.

"H-h-how much was it"


"How long did you have to save up for"

"Didn't have to got another thousand in my bank account"

She couldn't believe me or the necklace she thought she was dreaming. tears filled up her eyes she smiled at me and then we did our separate things until Auska brought something up.

"Hey Philip"


"I'm bored so... do you want to kiss"

"Wait did I hear you right, you want to kiss!"

"Yes you did hear that"


"Because I'm bored"

She got up and walked over to me were I was sitting. she bobbed down to my face and came in for the kiss. her lips touched mine. she grabbed my nose and shut it by using her fingers to close it. the kiss lasted for a couple seconds. she broke the kiss and then ran off to the bathroom.

"Eww yucky"

"What's the matter?" I said while wiping my lips

"I got a bit of your saliva in my mouth"

I rolled my eyes and continued writing a story. I had been writing for another 30 mins then I started to get tired so I went to bed.

"Hey Auska I'm going to bed" I yelled out to her

"Yea same here"


"Goodnight" she replied

I got into my bed and laid on my side thinking about that kiss. my door slammed open and I closed my eyes immediately. Auska walked in and laid down next to me. I opened my eyes and looked at her.

"Goodnight Auska"

Demi-Angels   (Grammar/mistake fix 3/10)Where stories live. Discover now