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I woke up and Auska wasn't there she must've woke up earlier today. Misato was nice and gave us the day off school for some strange reason but I just brushed it off.

"Morning Philip" Auska's voice rang through my head

"Yea morning"

"How did you sleep?"

I just remembered that she fell asleep on my bed with me

"Uh alright I guess"

"Well I'm going out for a bit so bye"

"Yea bye" I said while yawning

Why did she come in my room and fall asleep on my bed I don't get it. there has to be a reason why. I walked into my room and sat down at my piano, I turned the volume down so Misato wouldn't wake up. I started playing 'cruel angels thesis' I played it twice through I then decided to have a bath.

I went into the bathroom and turned the taps on for the bath while I was waiting I was using my fingers to practice a song. once the bath filled up I turned the taps off and took my clothes off I hopped in the bath and pen-pen walked in

"Hey pen-pen"

He just replied with a squawk. my mind couldn't comprehend what just happened. why would Auska want to fall asleep with me? I got out of the bath and dried myself off and got changed. I walked into my room and fell on my bed.

Auska's POV

What was I thinking? why did I fall asleep with him on his bed? Why didn't I stay in my bed? anyway I just arrived at the supermarket to get some groceries to cook tea tonight. I'm gonna need eggs, milk, cheese, ham and some onion. I'm gonna cook a lovely quiche. I went to the register and payed for the groceries and started to walk home. I wonder what he'll think of my quiche I thought I then started twirling my necklace.

Philip's POV

"Morning Misato how's Kaji"

"Wait how do you know"

"I was awake"

"Well he's fine being his usual self"


I walked into the kitchen to grab a drink of milk when Misato interrupted me.

"Where's Auska?"

"Oh her she's gone out somewhere"

"Do you know where?"

"Probably either Rana's house or the supermarket"


I grabbed a glass bu before I put it on the bench I dropped and my chest felt like it had been shot 10 times

"Ahhhhhhhhh" I yelled

Misato ran into my room grabbed a needle and stabbed it into me. I sighed

"Sorry about the glass"

"It's fine you didn't mean to"

I grabbed a broom and started to sweep the mess up. I put it in a pile near the bin and used a dust pan and broom to sweep it up. my hands were still bandaged but didn't hurt anymore I decided to go in the bathroom and take them off. my hands were pale and there was no more holes. I put the bandages in the bin and walked out of the bathroom.

"Hey Misato look no holes" I said with glee

"Good that took not as long as I thought"

She smiled at me and Auska walked in the door.

"Hey Auska no holes"

She looked at my hands and smiles.

"That's better it took long enough."

She put the bag of groceries on the bench and sat down. the phone rang I answered.


"Get you and Auska down to NERV headquarters now"

"Angel appeared"

"Yes it has quickly get down here"

"Lets go Auska" I said

She knew what I meant and followed me instantly Misato trailed behind us. I ran straight to my entry plug and got in.

"I'm ready Misato" I said

"Fill the plug"

LCL started filling up the plug I breathed it in as always and go ready to launch.

"Auska will be with you in a moment" Misato said through my radio

"Yea ok"

I was being prepared to launch.

"LAUNCH EVA" Misato shouted

It took me up to about 1k away from the angel. I charged at it but it threw me all the way back.

"Launch the gun platform"

A platform came up next to me and saw two machine guns I picked them up and put them in both hands. I started shooting the angel but the bullets weren't piercing the A.T field.

"Dammit what do I do?" I asked Misato

"I'm sending up Auska with a power rifle"


She came up out of the hatch and started running towards we're the power rifle was. She picked it up and started shooting

"Die sucka" she yelled

She broke the A.T field of the angel and I started shooting my machine guns hitting it most the time. it fell to the ground and Auska charged in with her combat knife and lunged for the core. she jumped on top of it and was abou to stab its core but it fully wrapped itself around her.

"Auska are you alright!?" I frantically asked

"Yea I think"

I went to go run up towards her to pull it off but she stopped me.

"Don't come near me Philip, I just wanted to say I've had the best days of my life with you and I don't think I could have that much fun again."

"What are you trying to say?"

"Philip... I love y..." she was cut off by her Eva blowing into bits.


Demi-Angels   (Grammar/mistake fix 3/10)Where stories live. Discover now