Chapter five: Gregory the lover

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When we got there we heard screaming. Both Tony and I looked at eachother and ran inside. Coming to the main part of the crypt there was an argument happening between Gregory and his father. I tapped Rudolph's shoulder and asked "What happened?" "Gregory bit a human, father is not very happy." He replied. I turned my head and listened to the argument. "Well you are the traitior, forever denying the truth of us. We are the dark gods, but you have turned us into cowards, sulking roung their holes like worms." Gregory yelled. "What would you have us do?" Asked Fredrick with confusion in his voice. "Fight back, make these mortals blood run cold. Exept for her." Gregory said while pointing towards me. "And you could do it Gregory, you are young, strong, ruthless and willing to risk a stake through the heart to prove it." Fredrick replied turning aroung to look at Tony and me. "Better a stake than this prison." Greg said while pointing at the crypt. I heard some king of metal scraping. Thinking I just imagined it I turned back towards the vampires. "Do you think me oblivious?" Fredrick asked with suprise in his voice. "Well what does it matter to you what I think, if I think." Gregory replied with sarcazam dripping from his voice. I snickered quietly to myself. 'Only Gregory could have such way with sarcazam.' I thought to myself. "It matters greatly. I feel your spit." Fredrick replied. Gregory un-crossed his arms and said "But you are 'Fredrick The Great', you feel nothing." He said while pointing to Fredrick. I heard someone yell "Let there be light!" Suddenly there was a bright light shining.

All the vampires scurried backwards as Fredrick opened his cape to protect them. I was looking around trying to find something that would help. But Tony beat me to it by throwing a rock at the light making it shatter. Fredrick colapsed as Anna said "Oh, my hero". "Goal!" Screamed Tony. Rudolph just woowed. I started walking towards Gregory but he looked at me and turned around. Taking his arm so he won't run away I placed my hand on his cheek and turned his head towards me. His lips were stained with blook as was his chin. I wiped the blood away using my finger. Gregory was looking at me stunned at my actions. I smiled at him when he did something I never thought he would do. He hugged me. I hugged him back, wrapping my arms around his torso. He let me go just as Tony finished telling everything to Fredrick who was terrible. "I know just what you need." Tony said and looked at me. I winked and wached as Freda put Gregory in a straight jacket and she put a muzzle over his nose. I tried my best not to laugh. Freda put the leash around his neck and came to me. "Elena, would you mind leading Gregory. I have to go and help my husband." I nodded a 'no' and she gave me the leash. I smirked and pulled Gregory with me towards the farm.

While we were walking towards the farm Greg thought it would be funny if he stopped every few seconds nearly ripping my arm from it's body. He did it again and I turned aroung and glared at him. He smirked and stuck his tounge out. I smireked in return and pulled him by the leash hard making him stumble a little bit. After that he came up beside me and we walked together. Without any thought I pulled my hand up and started playing with Gregory's hair. He looked at me suprised but relaxed soon. When we entered the farm Freda took Greg's leash and dragged him towards a cow. While they were sucking the blood I went beside Tony and ruffled his hair making him ease up a little bit. When all of them finished Freda whiped Gregory's mouth and put the muzzle back on. She draged him towards the entrance and I snickered how he walked like a bunny. "Now, I must find a place to hide you children." Fredrick said walking outside. "You can stay at my house" Tony replied. "We need darkness, duntness and decay." Fredrich said with a spooky tone in his voice. "Then you need our cellar" Tony replied with a smile on his face. Freda handed me Gregory's leash again and we started walking towards Tony's house. While we were walking Gregory asked "How are you?" I turned my head in confusion becouse that was an odd question. "I'm alright, just a bit tired. If you ever need anyone to talk to I'm always here." I replied. He looked at me and smiled before replying "I will keep that in mind."

We arrived at Tony's house and made our way to the cellar. We came in and everybody started looking for a place to sleep. "What about this?" I asked Gregory while pointing to and old box. He nodded his head approving of it. He laid down and I grabbed a pillow and put it under his head. "Thank's love." He replied. I blushed at his comment and closed the lid while saying 'goodnight'. Both Tony and I went to our rooms, well mine being a guest room. When I got inside I heard Bob and Dottie's room opening. I quickly laid dow in bed and started pretending to be sleeping. I heard Tony's door open and not long after mine opened too. Dottie looked at me and smiled before exiting the room. I waited three minutes until I was sure they both fell asleep again. I changed into my py-s and fell asleep. After a few hours I woke up to the sound of someone whispering my name. I opened my eyes to find a pair of ruby-red ones looking back at me. I gasped and shot out of bed bumping my head with Gregory's. I grunted and put a hand on my forehead. I looked up to see Gregory smirking down at me. "What is it?" I asked with annoyance in my voice. He looked at me and shrugged. "So you came in my room, at 3 am to do what?" I asked. "My brother told me you are not from Scotland orriginally." He replied. "No, I am from Croatia." "Interesting, you are not from any English speaking country. How can you speak English so well?" He asked with curiosity dripping from his voice. "Becouse I have been learning English since I was six. I am fourteen now which means I have been learning English for eight years." He scoffed probably thinking that he was way better than me. Which was true, I may know a lot of English but I am not as good as him. "Oh bite me." I said without really thinking about it. He looked at me with a suprised expretion on his face. He started coming closer and my heart started beating against my ribcage. He moved my hair to the side and instead of biting me he kissed my neck. My panick settled down but a blush started forming on my cheeks. He looked at me and said "If you ever need me just call me and I will be there in no time." I nodded. He looked towards the clock and sighed. He hugged me and kissed my cheek. In seconds as he was here he was gone. I calmed down and went to sleep with the thought of what happened in my head.

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